Why bisexuality is a threat to TERF politics

Lois Shearing
5 min readApr 2, 2020

Long before we were all stuck in our houses because of Covid-19, Britain was gripped by an entirely different outbreak.

Swathes of seemingly progressive women and feminists fell victim to a nasty bout of transphobia that swept through the press and population like wildfire. The spark was proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act which would make it ever so slightly easier for trans people to be legally recognised as their gender. Opponents to this change claim to have ‘legitimate concerns’ over how it will affect women’s rights and spaces.

“Before long, though, [this…] developed an obsession: that trans women aren’t actually women, and instead violent men intent on gaining access to women’s bathrooms, prisons, and domestic violence shelters to harm them, and the idea that gender self-identification is ripe for abuse by cis men who claim to be trans.” explains Edie Millier for The Outline.

This wave of mainstream transphobia has buoyed some very unexpected candidates to the top of the progressive feminist ranks, straight male comedians and anti-LGBT+ Catholics are now touted as some of the key voices of those ‘defending lesbians’ and ‘speaking up for women’.

Whilst trans people are the main and most vulnerable target of Britain’s TERF problem, they also take aim at anyone who threatens…



Lois Shearing

Lois Shearing is a bisexual activist, freelance writer, and content marketer. They founded the Bi Survivors Network and the anti-biphobia campaign DoBetterBiUs.