Lokendra Singh
3 min readSep 5, 2018

List of Top Most Tools Used for DevOps

Hello All,
Hope you are doing well,

DevOps is one of the most popular profile these days. This is a combination of both Developer and Operation guys. Earlier there was a problem, if there is an issue in production, developers used to blame to Ops team and vice versa
Just to get rid of this situation now companies are hiring DevOps, it means those guys are preferred who owns both skills (Dev+Ops). One more reason is the DevOps team prefers to adopt open source technologies. Guys working as DevOps should always be open for learning new tools and technologies.

Here I am going to share List of Tools which a DevOps should know:-

1:- Linux: As Operating System Linux is most preferable OS. This is open source & free and most of Open Source tools are available which can be installed on Linux.

2:- AWS:- (Amazon Web Services) These days if you go to face any interview most chances are there that you will have to face questions related to AWS. You can manage your resource on one interface in the virtual data center. AWS provides you with all the resources which are required to keep your data center up and running. You can spin your infra across countries in a couple of mins. If you are planning for AWS you should at least know these tools of AWS: EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), S3 (Simple Storage Service), ELB (Elastic Load Balancer), VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), CloudWatch (A tool for monitoring), Route53 (DNS server provided by AWS), CloudFormation, CloudFront (CDN — Content Delivery Network),etc… You can check below link for further tools explanation:-

3:- Docker:- If you think about any website running, these can be running on either Physical Server, Virtual Machine or Container. The container is becoming choices for most of the organizations these days. We can use our resources in the proper manner. Containers can be spin with help of dockerfile just in a couple of seconds. You can create clusters of Your VM or Physical server to create containers. You can host your complete website in the container.

4:- Jenkins:- Being DevOps your first job should be automation. Jenkins is there for you. You can automate your daily routine tasks /stuff using Jenkins, this is a java based tool which can pick code from GIT and create the build of your code and then you can place your code to your desired server using bash shell script or your desired scripting language.

5:- Ansible:- This tool is used for automation your infra related stuff, for example, if you want to install any package on 500+ server manually or want to edit any file on these servers, this can take days for your admins. Using Ansible you can do this within a couple of mins. This works on ssh connection and this is an agent-less tool. You can write your playbooks in YML.

6:- GIT:- (SCM Source Code Management) This tool is used for SubVersion Controlling, keeping the backup of all code your team develops. GIT tracks all changes made to your code, this works on commit basis. If your developer makes changes couple of time in code, GIT maintains the history of all changes made. In case of any worst situation, you can go back to any stage of your old commit. GIT provides Branching Mechanism to keep track of your changes.

7:- Nagios:- Once Your Infra is up and running and live traffic is coming on your servers, You can not bear downtime of your services. This tool is used to track the health of your server and services. You can monitor Linux, Windows, Cisco Devices and many more types of services using Nagios. You can go for Zabbix too for monitoring.

8:- ELK:- (Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana) This is a combination of three tools. ElasticSearch Logstash and Kibana.
a- ElasticSearch:- This is used for Logs. You store your data in JSON format.
b- Logstash: This is used to push logs to Elasticsearch.
c- Kibana- This is used to create a DashBoard of your data. You can visualize your data using multiple dashboards.
9:-DB:- Knowledge of any database will be a plus, you have to work as Dev+Ops too, so you should know at-least admin level stuff of Oracle, Mysql, and Psql.

10:- Python:- If you know any programming language to automate your daily routine tasks, this is the most preferred scripting language. If you know python, this will add colors to your profile.