My First Story on Medium

Lokesh Sharma
1 min readApr 13, 2023


As I sit down to write this story, I cannot help but reflect on what initially drew me to Medium. I've always enjoyed writing, but I never felt I had a platform to share my ideas with the world until recently.

Then, one day, I discovered Medium. Initially, I was reluctant. I believed I was not "good enough" to write for such a large audience. But after reading a few articles and observing the diversity of voices on the platform, I realized that Medium was the ideal location for me to express my ideas and thoughts.

Since then, I've decided to use Medium to write about various topics, from personal experiences to professional advice. The platform is highly user-friendly, making it simple to begin composing and publishing articles.

Moreover, I've discovered that Medium is a community. I've made connections with writers and readers who share my interests and inclinations, and I've learned so much from the articles and discussions on the platform.

What am I doing on Medium, then? I am writing. I'm in the process of learning. I am establishing relationships with others. And I am investigating novel concepts and perspectives. In addition, I would not have it any other way.

