Building confidence in Adolescent girls to affect Change

3 min read19 hours ago

Most girls and young women often struggle with the feeling of “I AM NOT ENOUGH”. This feeling can come from many different places, like societal pressure, unrealistic standards, and always comparing oneself to others. Let’s take a closer look at why this happens and what we can do about it.

One big reason for girls feeling like they are “not enough” is the pressure to fit into certain molds set by society. Adolescent girls are expected to look a certain way, do well in school, and act a certain way. These expectations can make adolescent girls feel like they’re constantly falling short or left behind.

Additionally, social media also plays a big role. Everyone often posts the best parts of their lives online, making it seem like they have it all together. Seeing these perfect images can make girls feel like they don’t measure up, and set unrealistic goals for themselves aiming for perfection.

Within their own thoughts, girls often have their own doubts and fears. This leads girls to think they are not smart ENOUGH, pretty ENOUGH, or talented ENOUGH. This self-doubt can hold girls back from reaching their full potential.

Most of the time, girls like me are taught from a young age to put others before ourselves and to downplay our own accomplishments. This can make it hard for girls to feel proud of themselves and their achievements.

On top of all this, there are bigger issues at play, like discrimination on the basis of gender. These unfair attitudes and practices can make it harder for girls to succeed and feel confident in themselves.

So, what can we do to help?

First of all, girls need safe spaces like Strength TogetHER, where girls can freely share their personal stories on topics that matter to them. These spaces help them feel safe and supported, which is important for addressing their doubts and concerns. Sharing creates strong bonds between girls and fosters lifelong bonds. Supportive environment can last for a long time, providing ongoing help and comfort. Through these experiences, girls can realize that they are ENOUGH just as they are, boosting their self-confidence.

Likewise, we need to change the way we talk about and treat girls. We should encourage girls to be themselves and celebrate their uniqueness. Instead of focusing on perfection, self-acceptance and kindness should be promoted.

‘I feel more secure and am able to express myself more. That made me come into my own. Lokopakar has helped me to grow into a more self-assured girl.’ — Dipa Yadav.

Citing Facebook’s own research, which found that 32% of teenage girls said that, when they felt bad about their bodies, Instagram made them feel worse.

To that, Education is the key. Teaching girls about media literacy can help them see through unrealistic beauty standards and social media illusions. We should also empower them to challenge stereotypes and stand up for themselves.

Creating a more equal and inclusive society is equally crucial. By breaking down barriers and creating the same opportunities for girls as boys, we can help them feel valued and capable of achieving their dreams.

Ultimately, it’s about building girls up and letting them know that they are more than “enough.” With support and encouragement, they can grow into confident, empowered individuals who know their true worth.

Overall, supporting girls and creating a safe space where everyone can rejoice, share and create opportunities for each other while being true to themselves, help girls to gradually remove the feeling of not being enough within themselves and increase the feeling of “I AM ENOUGH”.

Barsha is a Co-Founder, Recipient of the Prestigious “Princess Helen Shah Inspirational Woman of the Year Award 2022”, who has been working with youths for the last 8 years. She strongly believes in creating an inclusive social support system to help each other grow.

Lokopakar is a dynamic organization led by young women dedicated to fostering the development and empowerment of today’s youth since its inception in 2019. Lokopakar’s vision is to enhance the personal development of youth, provide greater access to essential resources and improve their overall quality of life
Our mission is to facilitate engaging, activity-based programs that empower and support young people in participating in transformative experiences, fostering mutual growth and empowerment.

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