What would your inside look like on the outside?

The Soul Salon
3 min readOct 20, 2023
Photo by Arthur Lambillotte on Unsplash

Depression is a mother trucker. I’ve battled it my entire life, but it’s evolved into something bigger. Mix depression, post-COVID life, ADHD, and menopause into a glass, and you will find yourself with a dynamite cocktail straight out of the “recipe for disaster’ mixology book.

This year, I gifted myself time off from my business to write a book. It has been an eye-opening and humbling experience. The book is about my spiritual journey, and it has changed the way I see my past, present, and future. I’ve spent the past year excavating elements of my life that I had spent decades burying.

As I sift through the remains of my past, my suppressed emotions have come up along with it and taken up shop in my heart. I am healing emotions that originated decades ago. What makes this most difficult is that life continues to go on around me. I still have to perform at a high operating level at work, be a supportive and loving wife, be a good friend, keep a clean house, stock the fridge, pay the bills, do laundry, etc. My energy level has depleted over the past few years and is now running on fumes.

I took a long look in the mirror and didn’t recognize the woman staring back at me. I have aged a decade in one year. The turmoil, physical pain, emotional (and physical) weight, mental distress, and overall exhaustion I feel…



The Soul Salon

Using my personal journey of self discovery and enjoying my human experience to inspire you to do the same