WOF Oc Suggestions

Glory is Cool
1 min readSep 23, 2020


Today I am announcing that I am looking to write a new fanfiction and I need a main character, so I would like to let you know that you can make a contribution to the text by submitting one of your OCs as a main part. Simply submit in the comments: The name, tribe and features of your character. You may ask for a specific dragon to be in the story if needed. Here are some of my OCs for any inspiration:

  1. Azure the Seawing
  2. Silverwing the Nightwing
  3. Abyss the Seawing/Nightwing Hybrid
  4. Echo the Nightwing/Silkwing Hybrid
  5. Seashell the Seawing
  6. Rose the Silkwing
  7. Gravel the Mudwing
  8. Cienega the Mudwing
  9. Gale the firescales Skywing
  10. Firefly the Hivewing
  11. Dusk the Sandwing/Nightwing Hybrid
  12. Etheral the Seawing/Silkwing
  13. Igneous the Mudwing
  14. Spark the Skywing
  15. Frostbite the Icewing
  16. Moth the Nightwing/Silkwing Hybrid (Echo’s sister)

