Landing Page

Lauren Bailey
2 min readSep 9, 2017

They say the easiest way to learn something, is to teach it to someone else.
I don’t know who “they” are exactly; but in this new series of work I will be exploring none other than the English language and the rules that make it beautiful, difficult and complex. Languages are ever evolving, so some words that we use today will one day become old-fashioned. For example, I have debated which word is correct anyways versus the word anyway. The conclusion of this argument is: anyway is the proper word to use in modern times as anyways is no longer in circulation or deemed correct. However, anyways is a derivative of the archaic word anywise. I hope you continue to follow this upcoming series anyways, esteemed reader.
Stay tuned,

Anyways. (n.d.). Retrieved September 8, 2017, from

