© Tamara Lichtenstein

Femininity, Light & Love: An Interview With Tamara Lichtenstein (NSFW)

5 min readOct 25, 2016


Tamara Lichtenstein is a photographer based in Texas. We first noticed her beautiful work couple of years ago when she amazed us with her analogue photography. We got the opportunity to talk to Tamara once again and see what has change since we last spoke to her. In this interview, Tamara talks about the challenges she faced doing this job and reveals why did her work went from “fashion, femininity and youth” to “femininity, light and love.

Hi Tamara! It’s been quite a while since you last spoke for our magazine. What has changed since then? What exciting things are you currently working on?

Yes it has! I’ve been doing a lot of personal projects close to the heart lately. I’ll be going to Vegas to shoot photos with my dear friend Emma Vaux soon. Also, I hope to go to NY later this year to create more with my other muse, Lauryn Holmquist. There’s nothing better than shooting and traveling with people who you have a deep connection with.

© Tamara Lichtenstein

“I might not always have photography as my career, but it will stay in my heart forever. That’s the only way I know how to properly express myself.”

What still amazes you about film photography? What is your all time favorite camera?

The light and colors you can achieve with film are incomparable to digital. My all time favorite camera is the one I always carry, Contax T3. I hope film is always easily accessible to photographers out there.

© Tamara Lichtenstein

Before you mentioned you never tried Lomo cameras so far. Did you manage to get your hands on some of our cameras?

I still haven’t used a Lomo camera. I would definitely be open to it though! I usually just stick to what I have.

© Tamara Lichtenstein

When did you realize you wanted to become a photographer?

I realized I wanted to be a creative when I was in Elementary school. I always drew, sang, danced, and then my mom gifted me a sony cybershot camera. I just kept taking photos, and luckily was able to make something out of it. I might not always have photography as my career, but it will stay in my heart forever. That’s the only way I know how to properly express myself.

© Tamara Lichtenstein

Do you still nurture the same photographic style as before or you allowed yourself to explore more and see where will it lead you creatively?

I mostly shoot photos of women, but I don’t limit myself to just that. I think exploring your boundaries is really important. Overall my style will always stay the same though.

© Tamara Lichtenstein

What challenges have you faced so far doing this job and how do you overcome them?

I love photography, but financially it has been really hard. Sometimes you’re doing really well, and sometimes there’s no income coming in. I’ve always dreamed of having a house, a backyard, and a bunch of kids, so photography isn’t really going to cut it. No matter what career choice I end up making, I will always be a photographer though.

© Tamara Lichtenstein

In one of your previous interviews for our magazine you mentioned that your work is all about fashion, femininity and youth. How do you feel connected to each of these themes?

You know, things have changed, and I don’t know if I would use those words anymore. Femininity is something I’ve always struggled with. I never felt pretty or girly enough, so I expressed my wants through my photography. As I grow older, it seems to be more like “femininity, light, and love.” Fashion and youth aren’t as important to me as they used to be.

© Tamara Lichtenstein

What new projects can we except from you in the future?

I’m going to Vegas with one of my muses really soon! Expect to see lots of photos. Also, hoping to make a zine with recent work. Stay tuned.

© Tamara Lichtenstein

All photographs shown in this article were used by the permission of Tamara Lichtenstein. If you want to see more of her work, follow Tamara on Instagram and check out her Website.

Written by Ivana Džamić. Originally published at www.lomography.com.




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