The Beauty Of Africa: An Interview With Anne Barlinckhoff

4 min readApr 18, 2017


Ever since she was a teenager, Anne Barlinckhoff was running around with disposable cameras capturing moments and people around her. Anne’s mind and soul belong to the beautiful continent of Africa. In this interview, Anne reveals what made the biggest impression on her while traveling through West Africa as well as what attracted her to start shooting on film in the first place.

Hey Anne! Welcome to our Magazine! What drives your inspiration these days?

I am inspired by love, life and loss and all those moments in between. Our experiences as humans and with nature are the most important to me.

How old were you when you realized you wanted to explore the world of photography and make beautiful art?

From the moment I entered this world I’ve been creating, I had a though past and thus I had to learn survive, which makes you creative in every kind of way. You could possibly feel this in my work, a balance between fear and love that results into close intimacy.

What is your favorite photograph you have taken? In your opinion, what is necessary in order to make a memorable photo?

When my work shows the confidence and vulnerability at the same time of the people being portrayed. Without their trust that I create with my subjects, my images would cease to exist. So for me my work most memorable is when this trust and love is exchanged.

Now that you are an accomplished photographer and artist, is there anything you would have done differently during your photographic career?

Everything happens for a reason. I work on intuition so based on that I’ve made decisions, which resulted into what I’m doing right now and I’m very pleased with that.

Why film? What attracted you to start working with analogue cameras?

When I was a teenager I was always running around with disposable cameras (which was the only camera I could afford at that time) taking photos of my friends. I love analogue because it focuses more on the moments you really want to capture and the outcome is always a surprise or a beautiful mistake.

How has photography influenced you as a human being? What are the benefits of being a photographer?

I just do what I love, which takes me all over the world and keeps me learning, meeting and loving new people and places.

What does photography mean to you?


You are working between Europe and Africa. What made the biggest impression on you during your stay in Africa?

For half a year I lived and traveled through South Africa and recently been traveling through West Africa, I love connecting with the local people — as my preference goes to be as close to the people and their culture — which resulted creating close relationships with them. I feel like my own experiences from the past are somehow tied to theirs, inspired by love and loss.

It’s a tough world, people are really poor but the surviving of the people and still bringing so much positivity is a big inspiration for me and with this series hopefully for all of us. Money doesn’t make you a rich person and that’s what for me they show at best, hardworking, creative and loving. Making something out of nothing. Africa is in my heart.

Any upcoming projects you would like to share with us?

On April 20 my solo exhibition Strength Africa will open at the Quin in New York. Later this year I might move for some time back to Africa.

All photographs shown in this article were used by the permission of Anne Barlinckhoff. If you want to see more of her work, follow Anne on Instagram or check out her Website.

Written by Ivana Džamić. Originally published at




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