Monster Battle for Halloween — LoMoStar Gift Defense is Coming Soon!

2 min readOct 28, 2017


On October 31st, 2017, Halloween is coming. LoMoStar has prepared generous gifts for you to celebrate the carnival.

But our lavish gifts also attract some uninvited guys — —

witches, Zombies, Vampires, Frankenstein……

A wave of monsters is rushing over ~
Crowds of monsters robbed all gifts we prepared for you. Now, it’s your turn to fight against them and take back your own gifts.

During October 30 to November 6, large groups of monsters will come out at the World window every day. Clicking at monsters can cause one damage point to them and retake some gifts.

We’ve sent out many scouts to pry into the monsters. Please pay attention to our official Twitter account @LoMoStarLMC and we’ll update the monsters’ profiles continuously.

Heroes! What are you waiting for?

The battle against monsters is on a hair trigger!

The battle is coming soon!

This is the first and maybe the biggiest monster. Others are on the way……

