Sirius - a community initiative

2 min readNov 2, 2017


Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky that is approximately 8.5 light-years away from planet Earth. Sirius will be a community driven open source initiative that will work as an independent entity in collaboration with LoMoStar, F5 lab, Xstar exchange (and more). The goal of Sirius is to support the LoMo ecosystem and help it shine bright in all countries around the globe. The team at Sirius will consist of reliable and trustworthy people from different cultures and background that will work on achieving this goal through collaboration and open communication.A few things that Sirius will work on:

  • Attract new users, businesses, and partners from different countries around the world
  • Translating the vision of LoMo in different languages
  • Develop new applications and functions for LoMoStar
  • Design promotional material and organizing events
  • Brainstorm for new ideas to improve and help LoMo

If you want to help with the growth of LoMo and you have certain skills that can be useful, then please fill in this form:

Although there will be financial rewards for providing results at Sirius, the aim we have is not to make money but to make LoMo’s dream a reality and create a Social Economy in all parts around the globe.

Come join us to create a new better world. As a community we will stand strong together!

