The Chain Alliance — a new media initiative

2 min readDec 12, 2018


We started a new initiative called the Chain Alliance! This media cooperation lets you publish on the following media platforms for free:

  • LoMoStar
  • BITV
  • Beipop Finance
  • BXB
  • Seer
  • Community Chain
  • TokenBook
  • OKZ

The aim of this alliance is to help high-quality blockchain projects to spread their news to a broader audience in an efficient, very free, and fast way. Companies can purchase a package inside LoMoStar by airdropping $73 worth of their tokens (attached to their article) for users to collect. We dont charge any fees, all tokens will go to users. LoMoStar integrated an innovative new news sharing mechanism inside the app called the ‘Bounty News Channel’. The Bounty News Channel incentivises users to read and share news on their social media (e.g. Twitter, Wechat, Facebook). Only users that read and share the article of the project, get rewarded in tokens. By using this new sharing model we aim to create a bigger network effect for these projects. The reading index is estimated to be 220,000+ and the user exposure 3,130,000+ by publishing your article through the Chain Alliance. Lastly, if you airdrop your own ERC-20 tokens you get the additional benefit of getting your own project’s wallet integrated inside the LoMoStar app, which will be seen and used by 732,000+ LoMoStar users. If you are not an ERC-20 token, we can still execute the airdrop in another way for you to participate in our Chain Alliance initiative. Join us!

For more information contact @M1lanooo on Telegram or email :)

