How to build a rainbow igloo

4 min readJan 20, 2018

I’ve always wanted to turn our front yard into a public space of some sort. One winter we created snow couches for people to hang out on. Annually, we chalk the brick at the front our our home rainbow. This Christmas took on our biggest project and built a rainbow igloo.

Full credit for inspiration goes to Daniel Gray. The moment I saw his original igloo three years ago I knew I had to do it. Kudos to Daniel for giving me a few tips when I reached out to him on Reddit as well.

Our family had some unforgettable moments building the igloo, reading and drinking hot chocolate in it, and causing a scene. People pulled over for pictures and I’d come home to random kids playing in it.

So how exactly do you build an igloo like this?

Lots of folks have been asking, so here’s some detailed instructions should you want to re-create something similar.

Collect 2L cartons. Lots of them. At least 400 if you can. You could potentially reuse some of the cartons,x but it depends on the way they freeze. I found only…




I write about family, social change, and becoming a better human. altMBA alumni & coach. Instagram: lon247