PHP for DevOps: Automating Web Development

London Lingo
6 min readMay 17, 2023


PHP is more than just a web development language. It can also be used for DevOps tasks, such as automating web development processes, testing, deployment and monitoring. In this blog post, you will learn how to use PHP for DevOps tasks, and how it can help you improve your productivity, quality and reliability of your web applications.

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What is DevOps and Why Use PHP for It?

DevOps is a set of practices that aims to improve the collaboration and communication between developers and operations teams, and to deliver software faster and more reliably. DevOps involves using tools and techniques that automate and streamline various aspects of software development life cycle, such as:

  • Version control: managing the changes and history of your code
  • Configuration management: managing the settings and dependencies of your code
  • Continuous integration: building and testing your code automatically
  • Continuous delivery: deploying your code to different environments automatically
  • Testing: verifying that your code works as expected and does not introduce any bugs or errors
  • Deployment: transferring your code to the target server or platform
  • Monitoring: checking the performance and availability of your code

PHP is a popular scripting language that powers millions of websites around the world. It is easy to learn, flexible and versatile. But did you know that PHP can also be used for DevOps tasks? PHP has several advantages that make it suitable for DevOps tasks, such as:

  • It is widely available and supported. PHP is one of the most popular languages on the web, and it runs on almost any platform and server. You can easily find hosting providers that support PHP, and you can also install it on your own machine or cloud service. PHP also has a large and active community that provides support, documentation and resources.
  • It is easy to learn and use. PHP has a simple and expressive syntax that makes it easy to write and read code. It also has many built-in features and functions that simplify common tasks, such as working with strings, arrays, files, databases, etc. You don’t need to learn a lot of complex concepts or frameworks to start using PHP for DevOps tasks.
  • It is flexible and adaptable. PHP allows you to write code in different styles and paradigms, such as procedural, object-oriented or functional. You can also use different coding standards and conventions, depending on your preferences and needs. You can also integrate PHP with other languages and technologies, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, etc.
  • It is powerful and scalable. PHP can handle complex and high-performance tasks, such as processing large amounts of data, performing calculations, generating reports, etc. It also supports concurrency and parallelism, which means you can run multiple tasks at the same time or in the background. PHP also has many extensions and libraries that enhance its functionality and performance.

How to Use PHP for DevOps Tasks

There are many tools and frameworks that you can use to make your PHP code more efficient and effective for DevOps tasks. Some of the most popular ones are:

  • Composer: Composer is a dependency manager for PHP that allows you to manage the libraries and packages that your project depends on. You can use Composer to install, update and remove dependencies from your project, as well as to define the versions and constraints of each dependency. Composer also helps you avoid conflicts and compatibility issues between different dependencies.
  • PHPUnit: PHPUnit is a testing framework for PHP that allows you to write unit tests for your code. Unit tests are small pieces of code that test the functionality of a single unit or component of your code. PHPUnit helps you ensure that your code works as expected, and that it does not introduce any bugs or errors when you make changes or add new features.
  • PHP CodeSniffer: PHP CodeSniffer is a tool that checks your code for compliance with coding standards and best practices. Coding standards are rules and guidelines that define how your code should be formatted, structured and documented. Following coding standards helps you improve the quality, readability and maintainability of your code. PHP CodeSniffer can also fix some of the issues it finds automatically.
  • Laravel: Laravel is a web application framework for PHP that provides a set of features and tools that simplify web development. Laravel follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern, which separates the logic, data and presentation layers of your application. Laravel also provides features such as routing, authentication, authorization, database abstraction, validation, caching, events, queues, etc.

Here are some examples of how you can use PHP code to perform common DevOps tasks:

Automating web development processes

You can use PHP scripts to automate various web development processes, such as creating files and directories, generating boilerplate code, compiling assets, minifying files, etc.

For example,

// A script to create a new Laravel project
// Define the project name
$project = 'my-project';

// Create the project directory

// Change the current directory to the project directory

// Run the composer create-project command
exec('composer create-project laravel/laravel .');

// Run the npm install command
exec('npm install');

// Run the npm run dev command
exec('npm run dev');

// Echo a success message
echo "Project $project created successfully!";

This script will create a new Laravel project in the current directory, installing the dependencies with Composer and npm, and compiling the assets with Laravel Mix.

You can run this script from the command line with:

php create-project.php


You can use PHPUnit to write unit tests for your PHP code.

For example,

// A test class for testing a Calculator class
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class CalculatorTest extends TestCase
// A test method for testing the add method
public function testAdd()
// Create an instance of the Calculator class
$calculator = new Calculator();

// Assert that the add method returns the correct result
$this->assertEquals(4,$calculator->add(2 ,2));
$this->assertEquals(0,$calculator->add(-2 ,2));
$this->assertEquals(5,$calculator->add(2 ,3));

// A test method for testing the subtract method
public function testSubtract()
// Create an instance of the Calculator class
$calculator = new Calculator();

// Assert that the subtract method returns the correct result
$this->assertEquals(0,$calculator->subtract(2 ,2));
$this->assertEquals(-4,$calculator->subtract(-2 ,2));
$this->assertEquals(-1,$calculator->subtract(2 ,3));

This test class will test two methods of a Calculator class: add() and subtract().

You can run this test class from the command line with:

phpunit CalculatorTest.php


You can use PHP scripts to automate the deployment of your web application to different environments, such as staging, production, etc.

For example,

// A script to deploy a Laravel project to production
// Define the production server details
$server = 'user@host';
$path = '/var/www/html/my-project';

// Run the git pull command on the production server
exec("ssh $server 'cd $path && git pull'");

// Run the composer install command on the production server
exec("ssh $server 'cd $path && composer install --no-dev'");

// Run the php artisan migrate command on the production server
exec("ssh $server 'cd $path && php artisan migrate --force'");

// Run the php artisan cache:clear command on the production server
exec("ssh $server 'cd $path && php artisan cache:clear'");

// Echo a success message
echo "Project deployed successfully!";

This script will deploy a Laravel project from a git repository to a production server, installing the dependencies with Composer, running database migrations with Artisan, and clearing application cache with Artisan.

You can run this script from the command line with:

php deploy.php

PHP is not only a great language for web development, but also for DevOps tasks. You can use PHP to automate various aspects of your web development workflow, such as testing, deployment, monitoring, etc.

PHP also has many tools and frameworks that make it easier and more efficient to use it for DevOps tasks, such as Composer, PHPUnit, PHP CodeSniffer, Laravel, etc.

By using PHP for DevOps tasks, you can improve your productivity, quality, and reliability of your web applications.

If you want to learn more about how to use PHP for DevOps tasks,

you can check out these resources:

Do you have any questions or feedback about this blog post? Let me know in the comments below!👇👇👇

