3 Common Sense Proofs that Earth is Flat

Lone Light
11 min readOct 5, 2023


  1. Water level is level
  2. Planes fly over a plane
  3. The horizon is horizontal

The physics of water

“Whenever experiments have been tried on the surface of standing water, this surface has always been found to be level. If Earth were a globe, the surface of all standing water would be convex. This is an experimental proof that Earth is not a globe” — William Carpenter

William Carpenter pointed out the obvious well over a hundred years ago when he stated that no body of water has ever been demonstrated to be convex. But in the globe model, every body of water on Earth would have to display convexity! This foolish assertion serves as a classic example of fanciful theories being entirely out of keeping with reality. There is a household tool which we use to determine whether the picture frame we hang in our home is level — it’s called a Level, and it’s filled with fluid, because fluid seeks and maintains its level. According to Globe believers, however, that fluid is not level but actually microscopically convex. And entire oceans, according to their model, are not only convex but being held sideways and upside down by the supposed force of gravity.

Absurd on its face, the falsehood of this theory is further exposed by distance and laser tests. Countless such observations have shown that lakes and canals do not, in fact, display any convexity or curvature. The Bedford Level experiment was the first to do so in 1838, and it has been affirmed countless times since. Below is a test by the group FECORE in which they were able to shine a laser over a distance of nearly 25 miles, where there should’ve been nearly 300 feet of curvature present.

Distant objects such as lighthouses, skyscrapers, and mountains are visible where there should be hundreds, or even thousands of feet of allegedly curved water blocking the line of sight. But common sense alone could tell you that it is not any more possible to see an object through a hill of curved water than it is for a body of water to form the curve in the first place. Bodies of water are LEVEL and always take the form of their container. Water simply cannot be without containment — i.e. oceans can’t be curved, let alone upside down. Nevertheless, the globe model has marched on for centuries in ignorance and avoidance of this fundamental fact.

Below is a photograph taken of the entire Chicago skyline from Grand Mere Park, Michigan — 57 miles away. This feat would not be in the realm of possibility on a globe with a circumference of 24,901 miles. Edward Hendrie outlines the math behind this photograph in detail in his book “The Greatest Lie on Earth: Proof That Our World is Not a Moving Globe”. (Feel free to skip the following if math bores you):

Joshua Nowicki’s photograph of the entire Chicago skyline; on a globe, the tallest building in Chicago — the Willis Tower — should’ve been hidden by Earth’s curvature by over 400 feet

Let us calculate the position of Chicago in relation to Grand Mere Park, assuming that the Earth were a globe. Grand Mere Park is 600 feet above sea level. Lake Michigan is 577 feet above sea level. Therefore, Grand Mere Park is 23 feet above Lake Michigan (600–577 = 23). Let’s assume that the photographer was at the highest point in Grand Mere Park. We will add 6 feet for the height of the photographer. We come up with an estimate that the camera was, at most, 29 feet above the level of the water on Lake Michigan. We will subtract 7 miles from the distance of 57 miles to account for the 29 foot elevation of the camera above Lake Michigan (29 foot drop to horizon = approximately 6.6 miles, which is rounded up to 7 miles).

Calculating the curvature of the Earth using the 50 mile distance, we find that the street level of Chicago should be 1,644 feet below the horizon. The tallest building in the picture is the Sears Tower (it has been recently renamed the Willis Tower). It stands 1,450 feet above the street. However, the antennae on top of the tower brings the total height to 1,729 feet above the street level. In coming up with the 1,644 foot drop below the horizon, it must be understood that it was necessary to subtract 23 feet from the total drop of 1,667 feet (50² x 8 inches = 1,667 feet) to account for the fact that the Sears Tower is 23 feet above the level of Lake Michigan. The Sears Tower is 595 feet above Sea Level. That puts the Sears Tower 23 feet above Lake Michigan. Therefore, the base of the Sears Tower would be 1,644 feet below the horizon (1,667–23 = 1,644). That means if Earth were a globe, none of the buildings, including the Sears Tower, would be visible. They would all be below the horizon (1,644 — 1,450 = 194). The only thing that would be visible in the entire Chicago skyline would be uppermost 85 feet of the antennae on the top of the Sears Tower. In fact, however, the entire Sears Tower and all of the other buildings along the shore in Chicago can be seen in the Nowicki photograph. That picture by Joshua Nowicki of the Chicago skyline proves that the Earth is flat.

What do airPLANES fly over, exactly?

If aircrafts had been around during the time of Copernicus, Galileo, or Newton, no one would’ve bought into their outlandish theories. The ability to travel 30,000 feet into the air, look down at an Earth that is not moving, and maintain the craft at level altitude for hundreds of miles, is glaringly obvious evidence that Earth is not a ball. But modern society has been so brainwashed into the heliocentric model that few think twice about what it means to be on an airplane. Even pilots who spend thousands of hours flying over the stationary plane beneath them, rarely ever think twice about it.

If the Earth really were shaped like a ball, its curvature would be at the forefront of a pilot’s mind every time he took flight. If he were to reach cruising altitude at around 35,000 feet, he would need to maintain that distance above an Earth that is curving away from him. After 250 miles, or roughly a half hour of flight, he would find that his distance to the ground would have more than doubled if he kept his craft level — because the curvature would have added an additional 41,637 feet. After an hour of flight, if the captain were to just cruise on Autopilot— he would find himself 166,000 feet (over 31 miles) above where he intended! That would be awful embarrassing, and as such he’d no doubt pay careful attention to bring the craft closer to the ground.

Let’s take it a step further and consider the SR-71 Blackbird, which flies at nearly 4 times the speed of a commercial aircraft. Topping out at 2,000+ mph, the Blackbird pilot would have to compensate for 5 miles of curvature after only 6 minutes of flight. If he cruised for an entire hour at that speed, the pilot would find himself 2.5 million feet above the globe! At that alarming rate, I would hope these pilots at least keep a handy chart of the globe curvature math in the cockpit. But knowing that they don’t, I think it’s fair to conclude that they aren’t flying over a spinning basketball Earth.

This math compounds for the SR-72, which is even more of a belligerent beast than the SR-71. I would not recommend flying one of these speed demons over a spinning globe!

See here: Full Flight Time Lapse from NYC to LA

During debate, many heliocentrists insist that they have indeed seen curvature from an airplane — however they are all are sorely mistaken. The airplane windows were changed in the 1950s in an attempt to perpetuate the globe narrative (hilariously, they claim it was to prevent plane crashes!). The windows now themselves curve at the outer parts, which creates the slight illusion that the Earth below is curving. However since this effect is observed on the ground as well as in the sky, it is evidence of nothing. Look closely outside the window on your next flight and you will notice that Earth is flat.

Which leads me into my next point.

The horizon is always a horizontal line

It is called a horizon, not a curvizon, for a reason. It’s always horizontal! It does not matter whether you’re on the ground, at the top of a mountain, in a plane, or in a U2 spy plane — there is no curvature anywhere. Here is one example of an amateur weather balloon sent up to over 20 miles high. By the end of the video, the horizon is shown to be perfectly straight across; if anything, it appears slightly upturned.

(Here is another video which includes the actual altitude in real time. Check out the camera viewer in the top left for better detail. Most other weather balloon videos use a wide angle lens, thus the view is curved for the entire ascent)

A picture of the flat, stationary Earth from high altitude

Another example is the view from the Concorde, which boasted a cruising altitude of 60,000 feet. These flights, rolled out in the 1970s, possessed the capability to travel from NYC to London in a mere 3 hours and 30 minutes — half the time it takes today. And the view from the window was breathtaking.

But alas, they simply couldn’t allow for such luxury, combined with proof of our flat stationary Earth. And so, they decommissioned it at the turn of the century. Just look at what they took from us!

Despite this evidence that no curvature can be seen from airplanes or even high altitude balloons, Google insists that you can see curvature from 35,000 feet. Clearly, they are lying. And the dishonesty becomes transparent when Neil de Grasse Tyson admits that Richard Branson, who pretended to go to outer space in his expensive Virgin Galactic trip, couldn’t even see the curvature from 60 miles high.

Starting at 9:17 in this video, Neil says that:

“So, how high up are they relative to the Earth? Are they going to see the curvature? I did a calculation and the answer is no”

He doesn’t explain the calculation he made, because he didn’t actually make one. He’s just a TV personality; I doubt he’s ever done any real science or math. Just think about his claim— if you were 60 miles high, you’d be overlooking hundreds of miles of horizon, which computes to miles and miles of alleged bend in Earth’s surface. But there is no bend. This is even confirmed by the government's first ever photo from “space” which shows no curvature at 60+ miles! They just flipped it upside down to hoodwink you.

And because they can never show it, Heliocentrists constantly have to move the goalposts for where they claim we can see curvature —but it’s all an effort to distract us peons from figuring out that there is no curvature to be found. As noted above, bodies of water cannot be curved to begin with, and airplanes would have to tilt their nose down to account for it, which they don’t.

So instead of being able to show real curve, the media has to resort to trickery to make people believe in the spherical Earth — primarily using fish eye, GoPro, and wide angle lenses. In 2014, Felix Baumgartner pretended to jump from “outer space” down to New Mexico. The shot used a wide angle lens to make it appear that he was extremely high in the air above a globe Earth. But a bit of common sense could tell you this wasn’t the case. First, it would mean that half the world is comprised exclusively of New Mexico! Second, the inside camera, which did not use a deceptive lens, revealed that the horizon was perfectly straight across.

Lastly, there is another point about the horizon which completely dismantles the globe. On a ball Earth, the horizon is a fixed point below the observer and should not rise. But on a stationary plane, the horizon is due to the vanishing point of perspective. The horizon would always remain below you as you rise above a sphere; but on a flat plane, the horizon rises to the level of the observer. The latter has been observed by countless aeronauts and weather balloons, and is affirmed by the Red Bull Jump inside camera shown above.

“The horizon always appears perfectly flat 360 degrees around the observer regardless of altitude. All amateur balloon, rocket, plane and drone footage show a completely flat horizon over 20+ miles high. Only NASA and other government “space agencies” show curvature in their fake CGI photos/videos.” — Eric Dubay

