Coffee & A Married Woman

Rod Evening
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readApr 19, 2019


Photo by Ilyuza Mingazova on Unsplash

There was nothing to it. They stopped at a coffeehouse, well drive thru, and ordered a couple drinks. It was around 10am. Nothing to do but ride and, sip, and talk. But there was a terrible side of it. They were both married. No, not to each other, but to someone else. So, although this driving around was innocent in itself, she would not dare to tell her husband what she did that day; with another man. And well, he wouldn’t dare tell his wife he was sipping coffee with another woman.

You see, that’s pastime stuff you do with your partner. Sipping coffee is almost like a gateway to getting closer to something you shouldn’t- that is, in this situation. Drinking coffee isn’t wrong, but the situation in which it’s being appropriated is. Especially while knowing that the two of these rotten motherfuckers wouldn’t speak one word of what the fuck they were doing together to begin with.

Her husband doesn’t know she was smiling ear to ear at someone else, and his wife doesn’t know some fine ass woman was relaxing in his car.

When a married person asks or offers the other to have coffee, chances are it’s a fishing expedition to see how receptive the other is. Well maybe not, but if it’s something no one would do in the face of their partner, then that’s were the innocence of it goes out the window.

This coffee thing isn’t about a meeting to discuss a business venture, or something unrelated to ‘domestic secrecy’, this coffee thing is about mutual interest.

The question then becomes, how will this play out. You know it won’t end in handshakes, and proper behavior. Someone is going to want a hug, or a kiss, maybe even finding out if ‘coffee’ is something they can do in the very near future. It’s all a progression to the core of the apple.

