Enhancing Your Home’s Comfort: Tips from Long Beach’s Window Experts

3 min readApr 27, 2024

Summer is just around the corner, and you want to get the most value from your beautiful home’s windows. At Long Beach Window Company, we want to help by providing the insights we have learned after years of offering top-notch services to the many outstanding return and referral clients in the area.

As a leading team of Long Beach’s window experts, here are some of the better ways to increase your living space’s efficiency and comfort.

Optimize Your Climate Control Settings

Start by optimizing your thermostat settings. Yes, summers can get a little hot, but if you set it to about 5 degrees higher than normal, you could get many benefits. Not only will it help the long-term care of your HVAC system, but it will also place way less strain on your systems as it cools down your home when you return. You’ll lower your monthly energy bills without compromising on comfort.

Address Window Sealant Issues

You want to call Long Beach’s window experts like us to immediately address any window sealant issues. If left unchecked, you can increase your monthly heating and cooling bills. Not to mention water can begin to creep in, which could lead to significant damage and repair down the road.

Protect the Attic

While most of the homes around Long Beach don’t have a livable attic, that crawl space can be a significant source of energy loss. If not adequately ventilated or insulated, you can see mold or other airborne pathogens start to form, which makes the entire living space unbearable. While we focus on windows, we can suggest local experts to insulate or add fans to the attic.

The Benefits of Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans are a fantastic way to control the thermal comfort levels of your home. They don’t actually lower temps, but make the entire space feel cooler or warmer, depending on the settings. Set the fan to rotate counterclockwise in the summer and clockwise in the winter. That will help distribute the correct temperature of air around your living space so you are more comfortable.

Utilize Cross Ventilation

After you hire Long Beach’s window experts from our team to finish up any repairs, restoration, or installation, use those windows for cross ventilation. This will improve the overall air quality and naturally cool your home. You can do this by positioning a box fan in one window that blows inside and another in the opposite window across your home that blows outside. That breeze pathway is like heaven on earth.

Wrapping Up

Your home should be a castle. A safe space away from the busyness of the world where you can relax with family, maybe stream a show, and sit down to a delicious meal. With the experienced advice from Long Beach’s window experts like ours, you can maximize that comfort all year round.

If you need window repair or restoration, give us a call. The sooner we can address your unique needs, the better you’ll have the energy efficiency and protection needed for hot summer and cold winter nights.




longbeachwindowcompany An affordable Long Beach Window Company. You can't beat our prices,we Proudly serving Long Beach CA.