Memories as a Fan — Jake “The Snake” Roberts

Lee Longpre
2 min readJun 10, 2023


Jake Roberts was a wrestler I found interesting when I was a kid. I remember him carrying this big bag over his shoulder that had his snake “Damien” in it. After he beat an enhancement talent he put the the snake over him and let it slither all over him. I thought he was so cool and he became one of my favorites.

The feud that I remember the most was with “The Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase and Virgil — his body guard. I believe at one point Jake Roberts took Ted Dibiase’s Million dollar belt and put it in with Damien and dared Dibiase or Virgil to go get it.

The way he would speak during interviews about his upcoming match, he had you hooked right at the start. He would talk low and draw you in and then raise his voice to make a point. He was such a great talker and was one of the best in the business.

There are a few feuds I remember him having. One was when he was a good guy where he was having a feud with “The Model” Rick Martel. Rick Martel sprayed him in the eye with his cologne called “Arrogance” and blinded Roberts. He would go on to face him in a Blindfold match.

The goal of the blind fold match was that each wrestler would have a hood over their heads and would have to rely on hearing the fans to find their opponent. Jake Roberts would go on to hit the DDT and get the win in the match!

Another feud I can’t shake is when he started a feud with “Macho Man” Randy Savage. At one point Roberts had Savage tied in the ropes and he brought out his cobra to bite his arm. Kids were crying in the crowd. Elizabeth was screaming at ringside. It was a sight to see.

He would go on to do an interview with Gene Okerlund at the Survivor Series from 1991. He said to trust him. He had new music for his new attitude where he was a villain. It is hard to give it it’s proper justice. I reccomend you seeking it out where ever you can.

The Survivor Series from 1991 had another great interview from Randy Savage. He said he couldn’t hear and he couldn’t see but there was one thing he could hear and there was one thing that he could see and that was Elizabeth crying and that hurt him more than anything Jake Roberts could do to him. Seek out this interview. It is gold.

Jake Roberts will go down as one of my favorite wrestlers of all time. The way he moved in the ring and controlled the crowd and his fire interviews. He will go down in wrestling history as one of the greats.

