Why Do We Listen to Salesmen and Ignore Scientists?

A rant about values, or the lack thereof.

Lon Shapiro
Published in
3 min readOct 22, 2019


Today’s rant is more of a question.

I intend to write a long-form article about the difference between goals and dreams, and how they are used in sports psychology and peak performance training compared to the mental masturbation usually conducted on this site.

For now, consider the following fun fact:

If you search for “goals” on Medium, you will find that the top 39 articles have accumulated over 415,000 claps from over 70,000 fans.

You will be told to: hide your goals, not hide your goals, act as if you’ve already accomplished your goals, not set goals, crush your goals, never give up on your goals, beat self-doubt and reach your goals, stay calm while chasing big goals, stop setting goals but establish small habits, create an enemy to achieve goals, how to get closer to goals, set sustainable goals, what three things stand in the way of goals, figure out the goals you actually want, think in systems (not goals), reprogram your brain to achieve more focus on goals, give up on things that don’t support your…



Lon Shapiro

High quality creative & design https://guttmanshapiro.com. Former pro athlete & high quality performance coach. Teach the world one high quality joke at a time