The Lemurian StarPaper

cat nip
7 min readNov 30, 2021


Hello world.
Oh, I see you have questions.
So what is Lemurians?
Well in the context of this expression, Lemurians is an NFT token on the Ethereum blockchain. With an 8888 supply, and 244 hand drawn traits, each token is represented by an algorithmic randomly generated citizen from a mythical, mystical city in the metaverse, known as Lemuria. There are different genders, skin tones, and magic types each with different roles, styles and interests. Each one being tied to each trait group thru their clothing, pins, hats, eyewear and more.

So, that makes sense. It’s an NFT! Well, it is, but it is also so much more..
Like many projects before it, Lemurians represent something else, they represent a community! A community that believes we can create our world just as we create our meta. Through the power of imagination mixed with action we can use small processes to create large solutions.
The team that built Lemurians, who call themselves The Atlantis Initiative, have spent their recent time on earth finding areas in the physical that are worn down, trashed out, or forgotten and using our human hands to clean up, reinvigorate and generally adjust the feeling of said space with things like gardens, woodworks, murals, sculptures, and whatever the space seems to desire.
Then, in some cases, we appear in these spaces and play live and electronic music and celebrate life, inviting people to discover it and become a part of the shared experience.

Our main community garden, aptly named The Garden

So with Lemurians, we have begun to onboard that process into the larger Metaverse. Because the Metaverse is so new, there is alot of pockets of potential. This is why we believe we have an opportunity it enact a type of peace and playful activity within. At first it may seem small, but as the Verse grows, the affect it will have on our lives will grow. And when the avenues are there for us to utilize we will be ready with our piece of the blockchain, growing right along with it.
With that connection between meta and physical, it is our intention to bring the cleanup-earth activities back from the meta into reality by building a strong and capable community of Earth-minded individuals actively involved in mini-actions that will amount to large scale “vibe renewal.” Excuse the nomenclature, however there are not many english words that will express the process of “cleaning the air.” This can be done by simply cleaning up trash, reorganizing forgotten things, adding art and life to the space, or even just leaving a note with a kind reminder on it for someone to find.
Ideas here are endless, as there is a magnitude of acts we can do for eachother and the earth. For sharing a Helping Act with the community of fellow Lemurians, you will recieve items, badges, or tokens from a secondary collection that will be used to track our collective actions and activities. I mean if all goes well, these could be traded to produce even more helpful acts that happen inside the meta aswell. We will build together a community wallet (20% of first sales, 80% secondary sales) that we can use to help out community members in need, or people in our lives that fall on hard times, or even to sweep floors of emerging deserving artists we discover together. Again, here the options are endless and will be driven by the community through our city square discussions and votes. This is why Imagination will be our greatest collective utility. As it truly already is.

Lemurian 10

Now, with the serious stuff out of the way, what about the lore? what about the storyline? Well as you know the Lemurians are a citizenship of friendly beings in a magical city… And this city exists visually in the animated show, Patches the Cat Detective! Patches spends his days listening to jazz radio and taking mysterious cases from the small sunny town of SunTown, which is located on the coastline somewhere a few miles from Lemuria. A humble little place that will serve as his starting grounds until he begins to uncover the hidden secret history of Lemuria. Now, this is a story driven aspect of our adventure, so we won’t give away too much here, but just know that there will be community driven mystery solving, user involvement in the storyline, and chances to earn more items from that secondary collection. Sadly, some Lemurians may be burned in the process of storytelling. I know, it’ll be sad to see them go, but death is a part of life and within any community it is a process we face together.

Scenes from Patches the Cat Detective

We are open to creating a $LMS token (or similar) down the road, but as it stands now the 8888 Lemurians themselves will serve as our tool for value in our community. In this way, yes, there will be ways to earn Lemurians during the first phases of our development at least until all have been minted.
This is all a process and we are open to new directions and ideas as we go along, so just as a star, this paper will change and form itself to our collective needs. For now, it doesn’t hold the exact nitty gritty details that act as the gears for our machine, but it will grow and grow and these visions will be revealed.

We’re early right? Well, we are actually perhaps 4.5 billion years along, with an infinity more to go. An infinity blip in time. A single note on a grand galactic piano. So let’s catch it, and become one with the song of our star.

This initial pre-alpha paper is meant to serve as a flagpost of potential, with a hope to find other likeminded people who want to see the Metaverse mesh with the Universe in a fluid and playful way, with a mainline of Peace as the intention of outcome. The metaverse is gearing to go from being a piece of our collective day to day, to driving most aspects of how we interact with the world, so using care and having guardians of hope involved in this particular stage will in the end show itself to be important. If we inject a desire to clean the real world through the metaworld, then the ripple effect outward will be heard. We hope we can join with you and we can commence this play, together!
I come to you as a Lemurian, a Human and hopefully a new friend. Thank you for reading, and if you would like to get involved, we would be glad to have you.
Opensea collection so far:
Minting website, with NFT roadmap:
Community Discord:

Minting and pricing details:
1 Lemurian mint: 0.0333 $ETH
With integers of 5 and 10 mints available.
20% of first sales goes to community wallet,
80% of secondary sale royalties (5.55%) goes to community wallet.
Rarity tools/Rarity sniffer at 50% sold out.

With Love, from Catnip

PS. if you would like to read a graphic novel created by Catnip, which takes place in the Lemurian universe, just DM the Lemurians twitter page and he will send you a polygon NFT with all the ebook download. It’s called Phenomenopolis! Kay talk soon, bye!

a map of Lemuria

Hi, I’m Catnip, the author of the Starpaper and artist of Lemurians.
If you want to know more about who I am and how I function in the world, you can watch this video interview:



cat nip

Hey I'm a visual artist and galactic ambassador. Creator of the collections "Of a Feather" and "The Dying Star"