How to use HTTP and MWCMQS for MimbleWimbleCoin

4 min readApr 7, 2020


A Short Visual Guide on how to use MWC HTTP and MWCMQS Transcations.

Sending Funds

Sending Funds via HTTP(S) or MWCMQS is really easy:
1. Select “Send” and Type the amount you want to send and click next

2. Enter the receiver’s Address (mwcmqs and http(s) addresses both work)
Then Click send and confirm typing your password

Receiving Funds

Receiving Funds over MWCMQS is quite easy. HTTP(S) may require some additional steps but is quite trivial too.


By Default the QT Wallet “listens” on the mwcmqs protocol so receiving over mwcmqs is as easy as making sure you are listening right now.
You can check if you are listening in the bottom right corner by howering over the “MWC MQS” Button:


By Default Listening on the HTTP(S) Protocol is disabled, so we will need to enable it first. The basic concept applies tho, once configured we just need to make sure our Wallet is listening and we are reachable, ill come back to this later.

  1. Make sure HTTP(S) Listening is enabled
    1.1 Click on “Options” (The Gear Icon) and select “mwc mq”
    1.2 Select “Configure” for the “Http” Entry

1.3 Make sure you activate the “Activate foreign REST API listener” and click “Apply”
(Note: NGrok Users can use as “listening address”)

The HTTP Listener is enabled but we need to be reachable to, if we just listen but no words reach us then we cannot communicate or transact.
This is why we have to use Ngrok or Port forwarding


2. Start Ngrok and get your forwardig address

2.1 Download ngrok from and unzip it into your Downloads Folder

2.2 Open a cmd.exe and start it using the following command:
C:\users\%username%\Downloads\ngrok.exe http 3415

2.3 Copy the “Forwarding Address” as shown in the Image below (

2.4 Withdraw to the Forwarding Address

There are 2 important things to take away about using NGrok

1: Ngrok needs to be run each time you want to withdraw over HTTP and needs to be running until the transaction is completed

2: NGrok will Generate a new address every time it is run, so you will need to reenter the address each time (which is quite cumbersome on some Platforms)

Port Forwarding

Port forwarding depends on the Manufacturer of your Router and requires some additional steps, sadly I cannot provide “The Solution” in here, but I can link you a General Guide on Port Forwarding

You will need to forward all incoming connections on Address for Port 3415 to your own Computer IP Address on Port 3415.

Once you completed the Forwarding you can withdraw using http://yourRouterIP:3415 to withdraw!
(you can see your Router ip on )


Q: What is Mimblewimble and why does it matter?

A: Mimblewimble is a protocol which significantly improoves upon Bitcoins Privacy and Scalabillity Issues. The leading Implementation by Market Cap is MimbleWimbleCoin [MWC].
For more Information on MimbleWimble and MWC check

Originally Mimblewimble was proposed in 2016 by an anonymous author going by the name “Tom Elvis Jedusor” , if you are interessted in it’s origin consider reading up on it on MWC’s Webpage.

Happy HODLin’ everbody!
For Any Feedback just hit me up in the MWC Discord, with best Greetings- MrT =)




Just an Honest Guy with a Passion for IT and Philosophy. Feel free to HMU on Discord (MrT#8978)