Canada Day Follow-up

Loop Insights
3 min readJul 3, 2019

Hope you all had a grand Canada Day long weekend “eh”. For this post, we looked at real-time data pulled from the long weekend. Using our Canada Day Infographic as a comparison you can see how sales impacted this years holiday.

We went granular with the holiday liquor data and looked at the top-selling days, hours, and items of the weekend.

Weekend Sale Changes

Comparison of average May and June weekends to June 28th — July 1st (Canada Day) Weekend.

Looking at the Total Value (% change in dollars spent), Total Quantity (% change in units sold), and Total Transactions (% change in the number of transactions) you can see that the Canada Day weekend saw a major spike in all these categories.

Best Day of the Weekend for Sales

While the days leading up to Canada Day saw some major action, Monday still led with the highest percentage increase in sales. Monday saw a 79.1% increase in dollar sales and a 79.5% increase in quantity sales over the previous weekend.


  • Friday: +10.3%
  • Saturday: +14.5%
  • Sunday: +61.1%
  • Monday: +79.1%


  • Friday: +8.6%
  • Saturday: +13.5%
  • Sunday: +62.1%
  • Monday: +79.5%

The Best Hour of Monday for Sales

Looking specifically at Monday, we can see that 4:00 PM was the time when customers were purchasing the most.

Top Items Sold on Monday

With Monday being the largest % sales change over the previous weeks we broke down the top items in each category purchased on that specific day.


  • Corona Extra
  • Budweiser Can
  • Old Milwaukee Can


  • Naked Grape — Pinot Grigio
  • Sauvignon Blanc — Oyster Bay Vat Marlborough
  • Jackson Triggs Proprietor’s — Selection Pinot Grigio


  • Crown Royal
  • Smirnoff — Red Label Pet
  • Smirnoff — Red Label

RTD’s (Ready to Drink)

  • Nude Vodka Soda
  • Hey Ya’ll — Hard Iced Tea
  • Hey Ya’ll — Original

Top Items of the Weekend

The top items purchased over the weekend vary a little from Monday’s specific top items, but you can still see a similar item trend.

  • Corona Extra
  • Crown Royal
  • Budweiser

The Winners

With Monday seeing the highest increase in sales, we suggest planning a promotional push on Sunday to boost sales going into the Holiday Monday.

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Insights provided by: Loop Data Exchange



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