Loopring Website/Logo Redesign Competitions [edited]

Daniel Wang
Loopring Protocol
Published in
3 min readOct 6, 2017


Loopring is a new protocol for decentralized token exchange. We raised over 120K ETH during our ICO campaign in September 2017, since then Loopring’s international awareness and community have been growing rapidly and steadily.

(Graphy provided by Justen Bontekoe, co-founder of RowlingStone)

As we are making progress in dev, we feel strongly about re-designing our website (https://loopring.org) and logo to improve our branding and share our vision. Today we decided to invite talented designers from the community to participate in our website/logo re-design competition.

The Competitions

  • The competition starts now and ends on 24:00 October 27 PTS. The results will be announced before 24:00 November 1 PTS.
  • Designers can participate in either or both of these two competitions.
  • Participants need to email their final works to webdesign@loopring.org with the title “Loopring Design Competition + Your name”. Each designer can submit multiple designs but they should have distinguishable styles.
  • Please include an Ethereum address in the same email. We will send LRC award soon after winners are announced, we will also send a follow-up email to winners with the LRC transaction URL.
  • Participants must be the authentic designers and legitimate owner of their design. Any participant who is involved in plagiarism, stealing, and other infringing acts should solely bear all consequences.
  • By sending us your design, participants agree to grant us the right to use, modify, and distribute their works, regardless of the competition results.
  • Please provide the original source files and exported PDF or HTML files. We also encourage participants to use cross-section, scrolling-enabled animations.

Scope and General Requirements

The entire website.

Our website is live at https://loopring.org. Here are some requirements:

  • Navigation friendly: Currently the website’s home page contains 4 tabs, but in the near future we will add more first-class navigation links to subdomains, for example, a “docs” tab will redirect to https://docs.loopring.org, a “blog” tab will redirect to https://blog.loopring.org, and a “wallet” tab will redirect to https://loopring.io.
  • Responsive: Please use 600dp and 1440dp as the two breakpoints. You can use one or two more breakpoints, but they must be one of 480, 840, 960, 1280, or 1600dp.
  • White or light background: we expect the new design to share some common styling (such as background color, spacing, primary color, accent color, font, etc) with our yet-to-be-developed wallet product which, as an interactive web-app is more likely to have a white/light background.
  • Modern, technological, dynamic and ecological.
  • Please limit the number of colors and fonts you use. Especially for colors, we need you to provide us your color palette.

We encourage you to read some documents and try to understand what Loopring is and is not. https://docs.loopring.org is where we recommend you to get started. We also encourage you to re-write text of the current website as you needed. If you have any questions, please ask.


The current logo can be found here: https://loopring.org/assets/img/logo.png.

  • The new logo should look neat and stylish on website/apps (including flat-design websites and apps), t-shirts, and business cards
  • The new logo should look very similar or obviously associated with the current one.
  • You are encouraged to comply with Material Design icon design guideline.
  • Please provide color and grayscale logo and its variations for light and dark backgrounds.
  • Please provide source file and exported SVG and PNG files.

The Prizes

We will award prizes to the top 3 winners.

  • 1st place: 15000LRC (website 12750LRC + logo 2250LRC)
  • 2nd place: 10000LRC (website 8500LRC + logo 1500LRC)
  • 3rd place: 5000LRC (website 4250LRC + logo 750LRC)

In case you have questions, please find us:

We are looking forward to your active participation!

