Resurrecting a Genesis Explorer

Loot Explorers
5 min readApr 24, 2022


Video Teaser: Genesis Explorer resurrection visualised

💡 Skip to the “minting using Etherscan” section to mint a Genesis Explorer

The Genesis Temple

The Beginning

Before the new races emerged, or the world as we know it shaped into what it is today, there were deities and protectors of the land. Not much is known about them apart from the stories and legends passed down through generations. These deities and beings are known as The Genesis Explorers.

A beam of light shines down upon the Genesis Temple. A surging wave of energy can be felt coursing through the lands. The Genesis Explorers, they’ve arrived.

What is The Genesis Project?

The Genesis Project is a collaborative game of Go Fish based on trustless social coordination. Your main goal is to match all items in a Lootbag with the same Suffix (“of Power.. “) AKA one of the 16 Orders derived from Loot’s foundational contract to resurrect a Genesis Adventurer.

By collecting a perfect set of “genesis loot” from one of these 16 Orders and distilling the loot into Genesis Mana (for free), players can resurrect one of the 2,540 Genesis Adventurers.

🔮 Learn more about Genesis Loot here:

What are Genesis Explorers?

Genesis Explorers are powerful adventurers endowed with magic & power of its ancestral order, resurrected from Genesis Loot bags which contain a complete set of 8 items belonging to the same Order. The 16 original Orders of the Lootverse are categorized under the 4 Great Houses of the Explorer Realm: Valiant, Sage, Warsworn, & Spectre.

Genesis Adventurer #1 visualised as a Genesis Explorer

What we’re bringing is the visualisation aspect for these special “Genesis Lootbags” in the form of Explorers, giving our own spin to it with our own art and lore while staying true to Lootverse timeline.

Genesis Explorer Heads according to the 16 foundational orders of Loot.

⏳ Lore & history behind the design..

According to meta timeline of the Lootverse, chaos & conflict within the 16 orders arose during the Great War. They were broken up, and lost through time.

In the Loot Explorers timeline (the great adventure era) which takes place many millennia after the Genesis Era, these 16 orders came to be in the form of 4 Great Houses of the Explorer realm.

House Valiant (1) and Sage (2) with an attunement of Light ☀️, along with House Warsworn (3) and Spectre (4) with an attunement Dark 🌑. These houses determine an Explorer’s values, beliefs, and practices.

Genesis Explorer pre-mint info 📖

Before minting, here’s a list of important info you should know about.

1First 600 Genesis Explorers are FREE to mint (you’ll only have to pay for gas). Each Genesis Explorer after that will cost 0.1 ETH to mint.

2The name of your Genesis Explorer will be based on what you’ve named your Genesis Adventurer. This can be done using $ATIME as seen here:

Naming your GA using $ATIME. Head to to find out more.

3You must own a Genesis Adventurer / Genesis Loot bag

4In the same wallet, you must own at least 3 Loot Explorers

Minting using Etherscan

1. Head to our smart contract on Etherscan: Click Here

2. Click on “Contract” > “Write Contract” & connect your wallet containing your GA & 3 Loot Explorers.

3. Click on “mintGenesisExplorer” :

mintGenesisExplorer: Since it’s a free mint for the first 600, input 0
_tokenId: Enter your Genesis Adventurer / Genesis Loot bag ID
_leTokenIds: Enter the IDs of the 3 Explorers in the same wallet

E.g.: If I have Explorer #1, #46, and #4723, I will need to enter “[1,46,4723]” (without the quotation markws, and without any empty spaces).

Input Example

How do I find out the Token IDs of my Loot Explorers?

  1. First, head to your Opensea profile by clicking here:
    > Refer to the URL of your Loot Explorer’s Opensea page
    > The digit after the “/” at the end of the URL is their ID
    > For example: If you refer to the following link: , you will know that your Explorer has an ID of 3455
  2. Refer to “Details” section on your Loot Explorer’s Opensea
Token ID for Explorer #1

4. Click on “Write”, and you should be prompted with a wallet confirmation. Check if the ETH value is correct and submit the transaction. Note that if you make a mistake in the previous step, your transaction might revert and you could lose some gas.

5. If the first 600 Free mints are fully claimed, you’ll have to input 0.1ETH instead of 0 under mintGenesisExplorer . You can double-check the status of this under: “Read Contract” > “freeGenesisExplorers” & “mintPrice”.

🌟 After a couple of minutes, the transaction should go through. Once its completed, your Genesis Explorer should show up in your wallet. You can also view them on your Opensea profile. Success!

Genesis Explorer Reveals

Upon minting a Genesis Explorer, an chest like this will appear in your wallet. They will then be revealed automatically on a weekly basis, at 10:00 am UTC every Monday.

What’s Next?

This integration with the Genesis Project doesn’t just stop here. We’ve worked closely with their team and arrived at a mutually beneficial collaboration. Full proposal details can be found here: Link

This proposal has since been approved by the Genesis Project DAO.

  • We’ve been allocated 88 Genesis Mana from the community treasury, all of which we’ll be giving back to the community through quests prizes or airdrops.
  • In the future, Genesis Explorers will also be incorporated in the wider Loot Explorers ecosystem such as Expeditions (staking component), where you’ll be able to stake them like how you would with the original Loot Explorers.
  • The Genesis Project will also run an $ATIME “season” for Explorers (both GE & LE) to claim a specific amount of $ATIME tokens, an ERC-20 utility token used in the Genesis Project.

Stay tuned..


