Happy 2 days old

2 min readMay 5, 2023


Hi dad,

First shot’s for you.

Eliza is now 2 days old! wow. haha. Alam mo ba, I know you would have been so excited to see Ellie. Alam ko you would have insisted on opening a bottle of champagne. Or you would have rushed straight to the hospital and insisted on getting a better room for us because that is just what you do. Only the best for your family and friends.

How did you do it, dad? How did you make it seem so easy? Maybe the best we can do is try. Guide me, dad. Guide Ellie. I want her to grow up as strong as you and as strong as her mom, but hopefully as smart as me. haha. or smarter.

This is whiskey is pretty good. I’ll bring you a shot when I visit. I’ll bring her as soon as I can. After the pedia visit lang. Just so I’m sure she’s strong enough to go out. At least open air.

You never saw both of your grand daughters, but I promise to introduce you to Ellie. I’ll tell her this is your lolo. I can imagine the, “ELLIE. WHO IS THIS???? LOLO!! ELLIE. SAY LOLO.” I’ll try to do it in your voice. Give her a proper reenactment. She’ll be so confused. hehe.

I still miss you, dad. I’ll see you when I see you. Hopefully not so soon. Or at least not before Ellie can take care of herself.

