Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

6 ways to liberate logic and reason.


Maybe it's me , (I really don't think it is though) but reason and logic appear to be missing in action.



Maybe these two giants of civilization just took off like star crossed lovers.
(So not in their nature. )

Maybe they got tired of no one listening? Just kinda sank back into the wallflowers and made their inconspicuous exit when no one would notice.
(They thought.)



They are still present but they have been hijacked. Waiting to be rescued. Freedom to see the light of day. Breathe fresh air.

This rescue is only pulled off on an individual basis. Conditions and terms of release is totally an inside job. 100%.

According to Hinduism...we are one...we are all part of one...ONE body.

Oneness of all life.


Hold that thought as you continue reading-

(Full disclosure- I'm not Hindu. Nor do I claim to be expert on the beautiful Hindu scriptures. I have however spent a fair amount of time appreciating the text. Honoring love and truths where I find it. There is always a commonality to be found!)



The Original Human Content Journal

Life long learner. Birder. Digital gardener. Creative. Blogger. So-so Photographer & Terrible Poet. One planet, one environment... for all.