Introduction to Pest Testing in PHP

3 min readFeb 6, 2023


Pest is a modern PHP testing framework built for developers who love to write code and want a simple and intuitive testing experience. Pest is a full-featured testing library that supports various testing methods, including unit tests, functional tests, and integration tests. This makes it a versatile testing tool that can be used for a wide range of applications.

Getting Started with Pest Testing

To get started with Pest testing, you need to install the Pest library and create a testing file. You can install Pest using composer by running the following command in your terminal:

composer require pestphp/pest

Once you have installed Pest, you can create a testing file in the tests directory of your project. You can name the file anything you like, but it is convention to name it <NameOfClassBeingTested>Test.php.

Basic Usage

The basic syntax for a Pest test case is as follows:

test('A description of the test', function() {
// your test code here

In the test function, you can use the expect function to make assertions about the expected outcome. For example:

test('Addition test', function() {
$result = 2 + 2;

If the assertion fails, the test will fail and provide you with an error message.

Writing Your First Pest Test

In Pest, a test is defined using the test function. The test function takes a description of the test as its first argument and a closure that contains the test code as its second argument. The test code should be written in such a way that it asserts that the expected outcome is achieved.

Here’s an example of a simple Pest test:

test('Addition of two numbers', function () {
$sum = 2 + 2;

Running Your Tests

To run your tests, simply run the following command in your terminal:


This will run all of your tests and display the results in the terminal. If all of your tests pass, you will see a message indicating that all tests passed. If any tests fail, you will see an error message indicating what went wrong.

Assertions in Pest

Pest provides a range of assertions that you can use in your tests to check that the expected outcome is achieved. Some of the most common assertions include:

  • expect($value)->toBe($expectedValue): This assertion checks that the value is equal to the expected value.
  • expect($value)->toBeTrue(): This assertion checks that the value is true.
  • expect($value)->toBeFalse(): This assertion checks that the value is false.
  • expect($value)->toBeNull(): This assertion checks that the value is null.
  • expect($value)->toContain($expectedValue): This assertion checks that the value contains the expected value.

These are just a few examples of the many assertions that are available in Pest. For a complete list of assertions, see the Pest documentation.

Pest is a modern PHP testing framework that makes it easy to write and run tests. With its intuitive syntax, powerful assertions, and support for various testing methods, Pest is an excellent choice for anyone looking to write reliable and maintainable tests for their PHP projects.

#Pest #PHP #Testing #UnitTesting #FunctionalTesting #IntegrationTesting




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