The Enigma of MySQL’s INT(11): Unraveling the Mystery

4 min readOct 5, 2023



Ah, the cryptic spell of MySQL’s INT(11)—a sequence of characters that has mystified, intrigued, and often led even the most experienced database architects astray. On the surface, one might surmise that the 11 in INT(11) serves as a cap on the number of digits an integer column can hold. Yet, like an enigmatic riddle penned by a cunning scribe, this is but a façade, a layer of mist clouding its true nature.

So, let’s pull back the curtain and embark on an enthralling journey to decipher the secrets behind INT(11) and its enigmatic companion, ZEROFILL. Through practical examples, real-world use-cases, and deep-dives into the arcane corridors of MySQL documentation, we shall reveal the depths of this mysterious topic.

Setting the Stage: Creating a Table

Before we delve deeper into the subject, let’s set the stage with a practical example. Consider the following SQL code to create a MySQL table featuring an INT(11) column:

CREATE TABLE employees (
age INT(11)

Once the incantation is uttered and the table summoned, it’s time to cast another spell:

DESCRIBE employees;

The Disappearance of “11”

Ah, the plot thickens like a potion in a cauldron. Notice anything strange in the outpu

| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| name | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | |
| age | int | YES | | NULL | |

The 11 has vanished! What arcane magic is this? In truth, the 11 serves as a display width, not as a constraint on the column's storage capacity. The INT type in MySQL is a 4-byte integer—no more, no less. The 11 comes into play when you utilize the mysterious ZEROFILL attribute.

The Enigma of ZEROFILL

ZEROFILL—a term that evokes an aura of the arcane. But what does it do? It automatically pads zeros before the stored value, up to the specified display width. Let's explore this in more depth.

A New Table with ZEROFILL

CREATE TABLE products (
product_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL

The Consequence of ZEROFILL

Let’s insert some records into this enigmatic table and observe the behavior.

INSERT INTO products (product_name) VALUES ('Laptop'), ('Smartphone'), ('Tablet');

When you retrieve the data, you’ll find the product_id column filled with zeros, making it appear like 00000000001, 00000000002, and so on.

Real-world Alchemy: When to Use and When to Avoid

The Good

  1. Standardization: Ideal for generating IDs that require a standardized number of digits.
  2. Visual Consistency: Useful for reports where data alignment is crucial.

The Bad

  1. Storage Inefficiency: Extra zeros take up space.
  2. Reduced Readability: Copious amounts of zeros can make data hard to digest at a glance.

The Optimal Path

  • TINYINT for Sprites: Use TINYINT for minuscule ranges, up to 255.
  • SMALLINT for Elves: Suitable for moderately small ranges, up to 65,535.
  • INT for Humans: The most versatile, for ranges up to 2 billion.
  • BIGINT for Giants: For those astronomical numbers that reach up to 10181018.

The Ominous Shadow: Deprecation of INT(11)

Ah, but what’s this lurking in the shadows? Whispers in the corridors of MySQL forums speak of the deprecation of the display width attribute in future releases. While it remains supported for backward compatibility, its days are numbered.

So what does this mean for the future? As database architects, it’s crucial to start planning for a life without display widths. Start scrutinizing your database schemas, purging the unnecessary usage of this soon-to-be-archaic feature. The ship is setting sail, and it’s time to either get onboard with the future or be left clinging to the relics of the past.

Did You Know: Nuggets of Wisdom

  1. Display Width Affects All: ZEROFILL is not the sole beneficiary of the display width.
  2. Limitless: MySQL never enforced display width as a constraint on maximum value.
  3. The Sign Bit: Display width does not account for negative numbers; they consume an extra space for the -.

Conclusion: The Unveiling

Our quest to demystify INT(11) and ZEROFILL has been nothing short of enlightening. These are not mere quirks or eccentricities of MySQL, but features with a purpose, albeit misunderstood. As we move towards the future, it's imperative to adapt and evolve, leaving behind the misunderstood and the deprecated.

So, the next time you find yourself in the labyrinthine depths of a MySQL database, remember: INT(11) and ZEROFILL are but tools in your grand arsenal, to be wielded with wisdom and caution.

May your queries be ever efficient, and your databases ever optimized.




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