Free Virtual Green Screen

2 min readJun 23, 2019


Did you know that’s possible? And it’s super easy. Here’s how you can achieve the effect of a virtual green screen, for free.

  1. Download and install Snap Camera.
  2. When setting Snap Camera up, it’ll ask for your actual webcam. Use your actual webcam as the source for this app. Ensure your camera is facing you as directly as possible or it’s going to think facial features are background.
  3. Grab my Green Screen snap filter. It replaces what it sees as the whole background with a flat green surface.
  4. In OBS (or your chosen broadcasting software) replace your webcam feed with a new one you’ll see in the list called Snap Camera.
  5. Set a new Chroma Key filter on your Snap Camera (right click the source > filters > the plus sign in the bottom right corner of the filters window > Chroma Key)
  6. I set the similarity to 300, smoothness to 200, and key color spill reduction to 200. I was able to pull this off using just light from my monitors.
  7. Clean up your background as much as possible so the Snap Camera app can see you the best.
  8. Done!

Do note: This requires a TON of CPU power and lags your camera input to OBS quite a bit. You will have to have a super powered CPU (I recommend testing this for yourself) and offset your mic input to match your webcam lag.

If you enjoyed this please check out my Twitch channel and Twitter where I play a ton of Sea of Thieves and talk a lot about tech and a little about law (NOT A LAWYER).

