The Rise and Fall of Pepe: My Journey to Rebuild with $FINE

4 min readOct 21, 2023

In the ever-evolving world of defi, community trust and collaboration are essential. However, sometimes even the most promising projects can fall victim to internal conflicts and bad actors. This is the story of my baby…Pepe, a once-promising project, that I gave my all to. I, Lord Kek, am now embarking on a new journey with $FINE.

The Pepe Controversy

I’ve spoken out about a series of troubling events that have shaken the Pepe community. It all began when some of the other project’s developers, collectively known as $pepe, sold nearly $20,000,000 worth of Pepe coins from the multi-sig team wallet — a move that went against the promise never to touch these funds.

Pepe’s early success came from a combination of a key things within the team:

Trust, transparency, the meme, timing, and the one thing my co-founders will never admit, LUCK. Humility can take you a long way in this space. And I have no problem admitting that Pepe was just in the right place at the right time. And everything just fell into place as it was supposed to.

In fact, one of my co-founders had never seen any real success before Pepe. They used to go crazy when one of their tokens hit a whopping 600k market cap. Don’t let them fool you into thinking they had F you money all the time. This is all very new to a couple of them. My main focus at the time was Pepe, and only Pepe. While they were bugging me to “launch every week” I devoted countless hours to make Pepe a success. And as many of you know, the rest is history.

Sendoooor , Kek.

My Struggle
I have always been a staunch advocate for the project’s integrity, fought with all my might to prevent this unfortunate incident. However, it became evident that the bad apples within the Pepe team had the upper hand. As a single founder, my control over the project’s direction was limited, and I found myself unable to stop the project from veering off course.

The Community’s Betrayal
What transpired was a betrayal of the Pepe community’s trust. Some team members were willing to sacrifice the project’s integrity for personal gain, leading to the sale of a significant portion of Pepe coins. This move left the bad actors in control of the Pepe Twitter account and the remaining 10 trillion coins that hadn’t been sold yet.

The Blame Game
Instead of taking responsibility, those responsible for the controversial actions claimed that the Pepe Telegram group had been “hacked.” I have since dismissed these claims. I will continue to emphasize that such a large Telegram group cannot be so easily compromised. These denials only add to the deception surrounding the project.

Ask yourself this question:

If you were about to steal $20M from the community that put their trust in you, wouldn’t you claim that your account was “hacked”?

And if it was, in fact, “hacked” why would you reach out to me from your newly created Lord Kek account asking me to run a promo for you?

I really have no hate towards my former partners. I wish them luck in all their endeavors like Smurf and even in their older plays like Rinia and countless others farms…ahem…projects.

My Departure
I was extremely disheartened by the actions of the bad actors within the Pepe team, so I had to make a difficult decision. I declared my disassociation from the rest of the team, signaling the end of my involvement with the project I fought so passionately to safeguard. The bad actors may control the Twitter account, but they have shown little regard for the community’s well-being.


Does anyone else find it weird that the news of my former partners selling from the multi-sig came so close to the $Fine Token launch?

A New Beginning with $FINE

In the wake of these troubling events, I am turning the page and focusing on building something new for defi.

I urge those who share my vision of a fair and community-driven project to join me in the $FINE venture. $FINE represents the feelings of many in the turbulent crypto market, and it aims to create a more trustworthy and equitable space.

I will end this here. But I have much much more to share. If its ok with you guys I’d like to make these a weekly/bi-weekly thing. Sound good?


