The Hard Thing in Computer Science: Cache Invalidation

David Lee
4 min readApr 26, 2023


Phil Karlton once said that there are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things. In this article, let’s address the cache invalidation part, which was not usually discussed enough.

Cache invalidation is the process of removing stale or outdated data from a cache. This is a challenging problem in computer science because caches are designed to improve performance by storing frequently accessed data in memory or disk, and invalidating the cache at the right time is critical to ensuring that the data is accurate and up-to-date.

There are some practices that could help solve cache invalidation problems in specific scenarios.

Time-based invalidation:

One way to invalidate cache is to set an expiration time on the cached data. When the cache expires, the data is automatically invalidated and removed from the cache.

Event-based invalidation:

Another way to invalidate cache is to use events or triggers to detect changes in the underlying data and invalidate the cache accordingly.

Size-based invalidation:

In this type of invalidation, the cache is invalidated when a certain number of entries or a certain amount of memory has been exceeded. For example, a cache may be set to invalidate the least recently used (LRU) entries when the maximum number of entries is exceeded.

Version-based invalidation:

In this type of invalidation, each cache entry has a version number associated with it. When the data is updated, the version number is incremented, and any cache entry with an old version number is invalidated.

The above example demonstrates how many methods you can use the tackle cache invalidation problems. You might wonder which one to use in your application.

When deciding which cache invalidation method to use, consider the following factors:

  • Data volatility: How frequently does the data change?
  • Data size: How large is the data?
  • Performance requirements: How quickly do you need to retrieve the data?
  • Memory constraints: How much memory is available for caching?
  • Consistency requirements: How important is data consistency across different nodes in a distributed system?

With the above factors considered, here let’s discuss the above 4 methods use cases:

  1. Time-based invalidation: This method is suitable when the data changes infrequently and can be cached for a certain period of time. It is also suitable when the data is not too large and the memory constraints are not too tight. However, if you have strict consistency requirements or need to retrieve the data quickly, this method may not be the best choice.
  2. Event-based invalidation: This method is suitable when the data changes frequently and needs to be invalidated immediately when a change occurs. It is also suitable when you have strict consistency requirements or need to retrieve the data quickly. However, it may not be the best choice if the data is too large or if the memory constraints are too tight.
  3. Size-based invalidation: This method is suitable when you have limited memory resources and need to control the size of the cache to avoid memory pressure. It is also suitable when the data changes infrequently and can be cached for a certain period of time. However, it may not be the best choice if you have strict consistency requirements or need to retrieve the data quickly.
  4. Version-based invalidation: This method is suitable when the data changes frequently but can be cached for a short period of time. It is also suitable when you have strict consistency requirements or need to retrieve the data quickly. However, it may not be the best choice if the data is too large or if the memory constraints are too tight.

To Sum Up:

The choice of cache invalidation method depends on the specific characteristics and requirements of your application. It’s important to carefully consider the factors of data volatility, data size, performance requirements, memory constraints, and consistency requirements, and choose the method that best suits your needs.

By taking into account the above factors, you can choose the cache invalidation method that best suits your application’s needs. It’s also important to regularly monitor and tune your cache to ensure optimal performance and avoid cache-related issues.

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