What Does God Look Like?

A Spiritual Seeker
2 min readOct 30, 2022


What does God look like?
What does God look like?

This blog is for those who are eager to know what God looks like. If this universe was ever created, there must be someone who created it. And if that creator is God, what does God look like?

Anyone spiritually inclined would have always sought to realize what God looks like in real life, in this day and age. This article would cover most things you have been looking for, with the following sections, or questions rather.

It is essential to agree upon the meaning of words before getting into a discussion. In this article, we’ll deep-dive into the meaning of the word God and finally understand what God looks like.

This article is based on the Mandukya Upanishad which was compiled thousands of years ago in the Indian subcontinent. The Mandukya Upanishad is the shortest of Upanishads and is regarded as a sufficient one to understand the nature of God, what God would look like, what God would sound like or how it is to experience God.

How do we know what God looks like?

The earliest descriptions of God are from India, and the texts refer to God as consciousness. For the purposes of this discussion, let’s keep aside the Abrahamic notions of God and indulge in a purely Vedantic perspective. If you are new to Vedanta, it must be sufficient for now to understand God to be the consciousness that’s present in every being.

How does God look? What does God really look like?

One hymn from the Mandukya Upanishad tells us what God looks like. The Upanishad perhaps derived its name from the sage who composed it called Manduka (meaning frog in Sanskrit) or because it’s a cryptic clue to seekers like us to tell us this hymn helps us leapfrog from our current state of consciousness to that singularity.

Instead of describing how God looks, this scripture rather explains how he sounds like. It begins by stating that Aum is the sound of God. This word is sacred to almost all religions in the world. The syllables Amen and Ameen must be variants of this primordial sound that’s considered sacred by ancient Indians.

What does God look like in real life?

One can look at various manifestations of God in real life. One’s Guru is God in person. But this Guru must be a self-realized master. But when it comes to what unmanifest God looks like, we come one level below the abstract idea of God as pure consciousness. At this level, it becomes, Isvara, one’s personal God. It could be Krishna, Jesus, or anyone. For one to see it, one must find a Guru, and practise the spiritual teaching instructed, following which anyone can see God.

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