How To Fix Error: Path Too Long on Windows 10

Lorenzo Pasini
3 min readAug 12, 2022

This tutorial explains how to solve the Error: Path Too Long when you are trying to extract files from a compressed folder.

Photo by Sarah Kilian on Unsplash

The Situation

You are trying to extract a compressed file from a folder but the following error appears:

This is due to a limitation on the length of the path, Windows your folder path has a limit of 256.

Solution 1

In this case we will use the file that you can find at this link:

The name of this file is very long and if we have a limit of 256 characters this is a total waste of space.

The quicker solution is to shrink the name to save some characters:

With this simple operation we saved 27 precious characters.

Try to re-extract the file and it should be fine, if the error persists it means that the path is still too long.

Solution 2

Another quick solution is to download 7zip from the official website, install it and extract the file with 7zip.



Lorenzo Pasini

I am a full-time Software Engineer💻 Technology Enthusiast💡Cybersecurity & Hacking🔐Algorithms🚀member of the Technology Church🙏