Golden Prison of Zuckerberg

Lorenzo Campanella
4 min readOct 3, 2019


I haven’t forgotten what the Washington Post wrote a few years ago. Since 2013, another province of the Bezos Empire.

it’s almost banal, ironic to think that Facebook, since birth, has been affected by controversies related to Big Why: Privacy.

From the foundation, the diary of the open diary begins in the small room of an American college. Loneliness has always been Mark’s real problem. Facebook will steal traffic, views and business in the world of Blogging. From that moment a new audience will arise, new ways of using a text, a photo, a video. This will change the way we look at the world.

It’s on Facebook. You’ve Facebook. Why go anywhere else, dear?

Welcome to the Death of the Age of Reason. French Revolution is old, bloody. Digital Age is new, trendy, catchy, cool, hot.

Years pass and Mark is (again) charged with violating privacy.
Now I don’t want to be his lawyer but if the keyword is Privacy we could hypothesize to have already lost it, like the suitcases at the airport, since the birth of Google (1998).

The Big G Model is already showing the first cracks based on the Content Creator treatment on YouTube. But YouTube business depends above all on us.

Now I explain the title. Ron Wyden, US Senator, says in an interview that Mark Zuckerberg has repeatedly lied to the American people about privacy. So far nothing new, the sky has its stars and Jack Sparrow moves strange.

But then he continued:”I think he ought to be held personally accountable, which is everything from financial fines to — and let me underline this — the possibility of a prison term. Because he hurt a lot of people. And, by the way, there is a precedent for this: In financial services, if the CEO and the executives lie about the financials, they can be held personally accountable”

What? the possibility of a prison term? let me underline this?

Facebook was torpedoed $5 billion by the Federal Trade Commission and fined $100 million by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Today, in 2019, we consumers have become data. The Big mosaic of Big Data. you know? We are the tiny cards. Our habits, our daily interactions, videos we watch. We are Big Data.

What I say is not the future, it is already present. To say, it is not necessary to imagine this perspective, we are already there, we live it. Perhaps we’re not all aware. Awareness of a phenomenon is subjective, like points of view.

The Department of Justice is saying that the Company’s Zuck has monopolistic behavior. It’s true. FB don’t have Big competitors.

Chris Hughes

For Mark there is yet another problem. Chris Hughes, the guy who helped him build his blue spaceship push for an anti-trust case against his old friend, calling for regulators to break up the company.
In 2007, he left a growing Facebook (by Forbes). Gesù spezzò il pane, Hughes vuole spezzare il core business di Mark.

Snap Out of It — The file, dubbed “Project Voldemort

Facebook is under investigation. Again. But now let’s talk about Snapchat. There are two links you can explore.


Shortly. Facebook twice tried to buy Snapchat and was twice rejected. Snap, parent company of Snapchat reports the existence of a destruction project by Facebook. Bad behavior would be an elegant way of calling this thing. Instagram would also be involved.

As we know, a cello isn’t an orchestra, Lennon was not the Beatles, so a news shouldn’t lead us into error. A news is a star, we don’t know if it’s a supernova or a white dwarf, but it is not a constellation.



Lorenzo Campanella

Founder Multiverso Personale, TypeLover, Kindle User, Tumblr creator, Twitter user, #memedlog.