Beyond of super happy surface

Loreta Pivoriunaite
3 min readOct 11, 2018


Pixabay by Viscious-Speed

One of rare articles that suggest those commonly repeated ideas or solutions under five ways to be happy with the tips like: do others what you want to receive. Though is a great reminder. But behind happiness surface is a level of something practical can be done.

Before opening to read the article “Want to Be Super Happy? Make These 5 Smart Investments In Yourself , written by Scott Mautz , I was doubting, like “surprise me, if you can” and I have clicked the link with curiosity behind.

And I was brought into those five practical ideas, based on research that makes so much sense.

Widely known the word creativity, is the rephrase to “Commit time to create”, and became so understandable what creativity stands and is. When we create something, we use creativity, and that is so important to move on with our tasks, jobs, inspirations.

Secondly, seek conscious growth, instead of just a personal development. Consciousness is the state of being aware of and responsive, to the self-development that helps to commit time to create.

In my daily task I tend to connect the unconnected things, as I am in the organizational development field, where I implement the variety of ideas, analyse the trends, and design into the learning experience.

There are platforms and I am on, one of them such (well it’s in Lithuanian, but in case you look for a mentor let me know, and if you want to be my mentor, let me know who you are).

So, people who mentor you might be your Personal board of directors. I remember one exercise in the seminar I was attending to write down the board of directors I want to have in my life, like the ones who keep me on pace in my important areas in life. When I did so, in one of the events later on, I spot the mentor for myself, and I asked the lady to be my mentor. It turned out, that she became my coach. That’s because I knew who I need, and the person appeared.

Actually if you read this, I am looking for myself the personal board members (mentors) too in productivity and self-publishing. If you are the one, let me know who are you.

All these ideas above and below have the base, how I and you live our values daily, how I stick and walk the talk (a great article diving in deeper).

Basically living the life by investing into the values, rather being in life makes so much sense as it fulfills in what we do and how we do it. It’s about movement. Be still like a water, however water moves underneath. Same, I guess, with happiness, be still and work inside on and with yourself. The real fulfillment is about helping others, by doing so, we invest to our abundance.

Super-happy people believe that they have the competency for change.

Super happy, supper productive, super efficient and super human being.

And it makes sense to have a mentor or become a mentee — a person who is advised, trained, or counselled by a mentor.

Mentor — an experienced and trusted adviser.

Lastly, it might be awkward that I took the written article and composed my reflections. I did so, because I got connected and admired to the content. It was done so nicely and easily.

The original article worth to read and find the number 5, written by Scott Mautz “Want to be super happy?”



Loreta Pivoriunaite

Loreta is an experience facilitator and life scientist. I share insights on personal growth and spiritual development merged into personal energy management.