A data science newbie’s guide through SQL.

Chapter two — Installing a database management software

Lorna Maria A
2 min readMay 14, 2019

Last week in SQL series chapter 1, I introduced SQL and in this week’s chapter 2 we shall go through installing a database management software that will enable us to practice SQL queries in the coming weeks.

In this article, I shall provide a list of useful links to detailed installation guides of all software we shall need.

Database Management software (DBMS)

To be able to use SQL we shall need to create databases for practice, similarly, in production, these are databases where data is already stored. In order for us to create, view and manage databases, we shall use database management software. A DBMS is a program for creating and managing databases.

The choice of the DBMS defers from company to company depending on preference, resources available and infrastructure.

Check out this list of the 30 most popular DBMS of April 2019.

PostgreSQL and pgAdmin

In our learning series, we are going to use PostgreSQL as out DBMS and pgAdmin as an interface for our PostgreSQL server.

Feel free to install any other server interface you might be interested in discovering.


Choose the installation guide that applies to the operating system you’re using to follow the SQL series.

PostgreSQL / pgAdmin for Mac users: Getting Started with PostgreSQL on Mac OSX by Patrick Sears

PostgreSQL / pgAdmin for windows users: How to Install PostgreSQL & pgAdmin 4 on Windows 10 by ProgrammingKnowledge

About PostgreSQL: https://www.postgresql.org/

About pgAdmin: https://www.pgadmin.org/

Practice Exercise

Congrats on following through this far!👏🏾 You are now ready to create your first database. Go ahead, try to create a table with the following columns: Name, Age, favourite number. (Remember, you don’t have to get it right, you’re just practising.)

Thank you so much for catching up with chapter 2 of the SQL series, next week shall start writing SQL statements.

Feel free to share with me feedback by leaving a clap, comment or tweeting me @kalmpublication or @lornamariak

Happy Learning!😻



Lorna Maria A

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