The Power of the Sun

Lorna Spina
3 min readJan 11, 2018


On my way into the office I drive over a hill which gives me a beautiful, wide shot of the sky each morning. Often this view reminds me of something the Holy Spirit impressed upon me on one of those morning commutes.

At the time, I was troubled with a problem and I was asking God to help the situation. Whilst praying, I drove over the hill and on that day, the sky hung heavy with dark grey rain clouds. Rain pelted my windscreen and wind whipped up the trees. The rainstorm loomed low and close and visibility was poor.

In that moment, God reminded me that even though I was experiencing the full effects of the rainstorm, in fact, above these clouds the sun was still shining in all of its brilliance and magnificence.

This storm that I was under, didn’t change the power of the sun. It was certainly still there, giving heat and light as reliably as always. It was just in that moment, there were other factors affecting my experience of the sun.

We all face problems, some small and some incredibly heavy to bear. But God reminded me on that day, that He is always there, in all of His brilliance and magnificence. In the trials of life sometimes we can only see the problem we are facing. We forget that even though we may not be able to see Him at work, He is in fact still working out His master plan.

A couple of days later, as I drove up to that same view, the early morning sun was bursting through the haze in a spectacular array of colours promising a warm, bright day. It reminded me of His promises and how we do get to glimpse His gloriousness as He works miracles in our lives.

What of those around us, who’s lives are tossed about by the storms of life, but who have little understanding of the sun behind the storms? Maybe there is someone on your heart today who you can pray for. You might be the one who can share the incredible truth with them that they are not on their own. That there is so much more to this life. There is a God who loves them and is so much greater than their storms.

To Him who made the great lights, For His lovingkindness is everlasting: The sun to rule by day, For His lovingkindness is everlasting, The moon and stars to rule by night, For His lovingkindness is everlasting. Psalm 136:7–9

