How to Eat Keto at Chick-Fil-A

Los Silva
3 min readNov 2, 2018


What’s going on everybody? This is Los, this is Keto Thoughts and I am currently holding a Chick-fil-A bag.

Do I eat at Chick-fil-A? Let’s talk about it…

As always, I’m going to real-talk with you. I don’t eat at Chick-fil-A.

Have I eaten at Chick-fil-A and have I had crazy, great times there? Yeah, I have. I love it. How can you not? It’s honestly delicious.

Sometimes in a pinch NOW, do I get Chick-fil-A? No, not anymore.

Does my mother-in-law take my daughters to Chick-fil-A, and do I get a little saucy about it? Yes, but I don’t say anything.

Sorry, Marie. If you’re reading this… still love you, you’re an amazing grandmother and I love you to death.

Everyone eats Chick-fil-A and it’s good because it’s closed on Sundays, right?

So they’re good people.

First thought that comes to mind when eating at a fast food restaurant is…they most likely use a lot of different oils that are… not great for you.

Causing extreme inflammation.

Soybean oil, canola oil, vegetable oil… etc. So… it’s not the best in that regard.

Not going to lie to you, going to keep it Frank-the-Tank with you. I haven’t in a while, but I for sure will get a Chick-fil-A chicken biscuit egg sandwich in the mornings because it’s just like what? It’s delicious.

Do I know it’s bad for me? 100%. Do I consider it a crazy cheat meal that I have? Yes. Have I had one recently? No.

If I were to go there, this is what I would order...

A Cobb Salad with Grilled Chicken. No corn. No tomato. I don’t know how much they were going to put in, so it’s easier for me to say no. Also, corn is not the best ingredient in the world, plus it has a ton of GMOs in it. It’s a lot of carbs.

So after saying no to those two sneaky carbs…

We’ve got some cheese, we’ve got some grilled chicken. I’m so into keto that chicken just really becomes a meat that I don’t mess with.

I mess with more pork, wild-caught fish, grass-fed beef, a lot of eggs. I do eat a lot of eggs.

But anyways.. Got a little bit of grilled chicken in there, it’s got a little bit of eggs, and then it’s just a spring salad for the most part.

The dressing itself has 29 grams of fat, 1 gram of protein, and 2 grams of sugar.

That’s extremely heavy on the fat, which is pretty good for Keto, so that kind of is what makes it Keto because it’s got only a trickle of cheese and a dash of eggs, so it’s kind of grilled chicken with ranch dressing, right?

You could get saucy with it and add the buffalo sauce. That has zero carbs.

This is my Keto version of the Grilled Chicken Cobb Salad from Chick-fil-A.

Now that you guys know this is what I would get, and that it is the best option that you can get at Chick-fil-A . Enjoy! BUT still.. just in a pinch.



Los Silva

Passionate about Scaling Influencers | Entrepreneur & Business Advisor | Founder of SVG Media | Co-Creator of The R.O.I Method for Influencers |