This Unknown Website Has Hundreds of Free Writer’s Markets & NO ONE Seems To Know About It…Until Now!

Kyle “Blue” Newton
4 min readFeb 3, 2019


As far as writing goes, the markets are endless. There’s always some massive publisher, or a magazine competition, looking for the next great idea. As great as they are for the winners(which they deserve every bit praise for winning), usually these markets are very narrow. This can sometimes leave writers clawing at each other to get ahead. Well, I’m writing this to let every fellow scribe out there who wants to sell a story in on a secret. There are plenty of markets to go around!

If you don’t believe me, check out the little website known as It has hundreds of markets you can send your short stories, novellas, & poems to! You may even be able sell a book or two if you find the right publisher. Keep reading below to learn how to navigate this website from a 10+ year veteran of making this a side hustle. From multiple magazines to countless publishers, you won’t get accepted every time. But, I can show you a few secrets on how to get more acceptances!

How Ralan works is simple. You simply click on the link and you’ll be brought to a purple page with several hyperlinks at the top. Click on the link you like and it will give you a list of publishers and what they are looking for in stories. And no, you don’t need an agent. All you do is write up a story, or check out your chest of old stories you thought would never sell. Touch them up(please, touch them up. Nothing says amateur like an unedited manuscript), and send them on their way!

All you have to do is follow their email instructions on how to introduce yourself. Usually, all they want are the basics; your name, the story’s name, and then the word count. Bam! You’re all done. And get this: they pay! Sometimes as much as nine cents per word. That might not seem like much until they accept your 3,000 word story! With this website, it doesn’t take long to earn $300–$500/month. And that’s just with part-time effort!

I’m sure by now you’re wondering how much may have paid me for this article. I’ll be honest with you, they didn’t even know I wrote it. I love this website so much, I thought I’d “share the wealth,”. This site gave me such a great head-start at building a fanbase, that my steampunk novella, ‘Revolution’s Reign,’ hit #3 on Amazon’s daily-bestseller list! This was a great feeling, and I’m striving for the next two slots on Amazon’s bestseller list. Every writer should feel that kind of satisfaction from their work. With the multitude of markets out there, the writing game is no longer about being sneaky to get ahead. It’s about helping to promote one another, so we can all get ahead.

Like I say in a previous article about finding niche markets; No one reader buys strictly from a single author. So, if someone likes your stuff enough to buy it more than once, why not share the wealth? That way, you support your fellow scribes in front of readers, and other authors acknowledge your kindness with similar acts. And what happens when you have other people promote you? That’s right, you find more readers and cultivate a larger fanbase! Which is what we all want, isn’t it?

Similarly to Medium(that’s right, in case you didn’t know: you can earn money on Medium also), you can start earning a side hustle income from this website in just a few week’s time. But like I said earlier: you won’t get accept into every market. Don’t forget, every other writer wants to be published also. I only get accepted a third of the time, but when you have 6–9 short stories, poems, and flash fiction pieces to send out every week, the paychecks start to add up. All you do is touch-up the stories that were dismissed, and send them to a new market. It’s that easy!

If Ralan does come across a little overwhelming, or maybe you can manage the links, but want more advice on how to improve your acceptance rates? ‘Clap’ this article and ‘follow’ my account for the next update! I’ll show you how to understand the website, its links, and what to put in a submission letter for the best possible outcome! Until then, keep the creative gears spinning, my friends!

Kyle Newton is an author from the frigid White Mountains of New Hampshire, where he & his fiance live in a refurbished caboose(You read that correctly: a train’s caboose. He jokes by saying, “A life of writing finally drove me to living on the rails”). He is also the current two-time Mount Washington Cog Railway’s ‘Steampunk Author of the Year’.

Kyle Newton writes steampunk/alt history, and his own steampunk/erotica short story series on While his Steampunk/adventures (non-erotica!) stories can be found on Medium, here.



Kyle “Blue” Newton

Just an author here to rev your engines with Noir Westerns and Steamy Steampunk. Shoot-outs that save dusty cities and lethal lips from lustful femme fatales.