Astrology is not for the Anxious

Lost Soul Astrology
5 min readJun 7, 2023


Photo by Dingzeyu Li on Unsplash

Astrology is an abyss. There are countless methodologies which provide no straight answer on items as minimal as hair texture and as critical as death date. Although anchored in geometry and science, the fallible human mind can pull on that rope, evoking groundlessness, and begin an uncharted course disguised as fixed through literal astrological charts. It’s really a play on the Virgoan-Piscean polarity, where we must ask ourselves: What will we do with all of this information?

Panic is one abysmal option. As is attempting to live according to one’s highest potential without room for error. The Virgo in me sees the flaws and the fix; the Pisces swims in the chaos, not able to come up for air, unless it can transcend. And so we must let go — all of it — the truth, the false, the facts. The premonitions, the preoccupations. The mind is tired, the spirit weak. In the sage wisdom of the Buddhists — accept.

The recent full moon in Sagittarius is one of faith over fear, of being enlightened by truth as opposed to burdened by it. Of knowing that there is a promising future that lies ahead, so long as we keep seeking. (Yet, for the naysayers, I’ll suggest there’s still a promising future ahead for you, too.)

With my natal Sagittarius in Mercury ruling my chart, my voice felt empowered. I could see a better future for myself and had the words to outline exactly what this future could look like. And as I formulated the right phrasing for “help,” I happened upon others who needed mine. At the end of our little impromptu therapy session, for which I am not licensed, I thought I ought to look up this person’s astrology. Here, I saw Uranus approaching their ascendant — crossing over this summer. Leaning into the fear for the future wasn’t going to be helpful, so I said: “You can either be the change, or change can be thrust upon you.” And they knew what this change needed to be, but the resistance is strong — c’mon, Taurus rising am I right?

I gave them advice I often can’t give myself when looking at charts. To the trained eye, you can see danger. To the anxious eye, all you see is danger. And as I remain in health crisis, that is often all I see. Initially, I’d thought that answers regarding my medical mysteries would come with a transiting Jupiter trine my natal Venus. It doesn’t exactly add up in one’s head if you think about what Venus represents, which is money and relationships. So instead, what do you think happened this past week or so? My husband got promoted and found me someone we can now afford to pay to help me maintain my household and lessen my stress. As the full moon perfected Saturday night, I meditated on the hope that this person will work out and the peace of finding this person at all. Today is her first day on the job.

Miracles happen, even in the midst of hard transits.

Collectively, we are continuing to experience hard transits. There was the recent Mars-Pluto opposition in square to the nodal axis. Saturn and Uranus were squaring off a while ago. And let’s not forget the conjunctions in Capricorn (Jupiter, Saturn, and Aquarius) and Aquarius (Jupiter and Saturn) that cemented the early 2020s into the history books, kickstarting this shitshow.

Shitshow was the vibe for the last few years, but I’m witnessing a change in morale. There’s medical personnel actually laughing and letting their guards down, now. I would know, I’m at the doctor’s office or hospital damned near every day — and it’s been like this for years. I think people are starting to relax because they see, or are truly experiencing, that light at the end of the tunnel — and it’s not a train! I suspect that this has to do with Saturn in Pisces, more than anything, but I’ll leave that for another conversation.

Sure, there is plenty to remain anxious about. The economy. The culture wars. Opioid crisis. Education. Homelessness. Climate change. Everything And yet, I don’t think that letting our guard down truly is doing so. I think we’ve attained some type of equilibrium in that we can be simultaneously concerned and calm. I don’t know that “calm” is the right word choice, but it works with alliteration so I’ll leave it. Calm and concerned. It makes me think of how people are choosing to resist and protest. It’s not on the streets so much right now. It’s with their wallets. And this makes sense, for our values and our money are Venusian things and the North Node in Taurus is asking us to align these entities. To put our money where our mouth is.

I digress. It’s easy to shift course when there’s so much at play in our wild world. Astrology explains it all, and yet we can get so caught up in what it means that we don’t let our minds relax and our bodies do the talking. How do things feel on the most simplistic level, when we haven’t thought too much? That’s a Taurean question. What insights can be gained through doing? That’s the Sagittarian one.

Gemini is a sign of nervousness; and Mercury, it’s ruling planet, a planet of the same. I don’t believe the lessons on groundedness learned from Taurus season have been lost now that the Sun is in Gemini. No, I think reaching out — dare I say, socializing — is a healing path after years of isolation and division. But it can be disorienting, all this chatter, all this new information coming from the strong compulsion to connect. So, finding meaning through Gemini’s opposite in Sagittarius helps ground our anxieties and rest assured that our future is worth pursuing — regardless of the transits.

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IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Astrology is both an art and an inexact science and should always be subject to interpretation due to its human influence. In this way, astrology is best utilized for entertainment purposes only. Take what you want and leave the rest, but never replace sound advice from a variety of skilled professionals — including and especially of the medical and financial trades — with astrology and its astrologers. In case of a medical or psychiatric emergency, please contact your local authorities.



Lost Soul Astrology

Mundane Horoscopes for All Zodiac Signs. Editor of the Planetary Arts Journal: Accepting new writers. Connect at