It’s Sagittarius Season: Are You Living The Dream?

Lost Soul Astrology
4 min readNov 23, 2023
Photo by Илья Мельниченко on Unsplash

As we transition seasonally from Scorpio to Sagittarius, we go from merely surviving to hopefully thriving. But, those hopes may be dashed — or at least delayed — by the Sun’s (and others’) square to Saturn in Pisces early in its Sagittarian journey. This may be a good thing in disguise, as Saturn’s influence almost always is, given our tendency to overdo this time of year.

Jupiter, Sag’s ruling planet, is the culprit for such extravagance — or, in Sagittarian terms, going the extra mile. But Jupiter has been in earthly Taurus for a bit now, giving it some sensibility. Though, one still wonders — might the grass be greener elsewhere?

With Jupiter retrograde until early next year, ’tis another dampening of a fiery Sagittarian adventure. But, delays can be fortuitous. Though Sagittarius is quite the seeker, the knowledge it gains makes for quite the teacher. Saturn and Jupiter are providing opportunities to pause and reflect on personal and universal truths, on the meaning of life itself! And perhaps the grass is actually green where you are and you haven’t stopped to appreciate your abundance!



Lost Soul Astrology

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