Libra New Moon, October 14: All’s Fair in Love and War

Lost Soul Astrology
5 min readOct 10, 2023
Photo by Chris Sabor on Unsplash

Vladimir Putin is a Libra.

If that doesn’t turn an elementary understanding of astrology on its head, let me delve deeper: Libra and Aries are two sides of the same coin.

While we may get more bees with honey, we’re still winning — aren’t we? Is Libra representative of an equal outcome, or more of a fair fight? In an equal outcome, nobody wins what they’d really went after. There’s a negotiation with some sacrifice. But maybe there’s harmony. Maybe.

In losing battle, and especially in losing men or territory, there’s profound feelings regarding it that simmer when not expressed outwardly (such as once a truce or ceasefire is established, likely through Libran law). And so we may see or feel some passive aggressiveness as the losing party, never fully recovering from that sense of defeat.

We see that with the Palestinians. With the Russians. With so many people who’ve either lost the battle or the war.

Those wounded in battle and in war are not giving up. They are fighting for their right to be here. And diplomacy has gone out the window, paving the way for this fight to occur in the…



Lost Soul Astrology

Mundane Horoscopes for All Zodiac Signs. Editor of the Planetary Arts Journal: Accepting new writers. Connect at