Mother, Moon, and Astrology On This Mother’s Day

Lost Soul Astrology
7 min readMay 14, 2023


Photo by Benjamin Manley on Unsplash

Astrology is a symbolic language, using luminaries, planets, fixed stars and asteroids, to represent the physical, emotional, mental, and psychological realities on Earth. Their mathematical distances from a geo- (Earth-) centric perspective are measured in degrees along the ecliptic (Zodiac) and horizon. Through astrology, we can explain simplicities with great complexity, and vice versa. On this Mother’s Day, let’s dive into what a mother means in astrology.

Mom is akin to the Moon — they even sound similar — and there’s no question why when the same Luna that rules the tides controls our menses and syncs our flow with other females of child-bearing age. And my astrology mentor told me that once we reach menopause — the energizing effects of a full moon to a younger woman become tiring for the wise old crone (not her exact word choice). But who is she kidding? We women are always tired; at least us mothers are.

Even those who never bear or rear children are still motherly. Well, OK — we can agree that everyone at least has a mom. But even those who don’t seem motherly have a moon — whose placement could explain any reservations on their “motherly” title.

Moon in the Signs

Aries Moon

Give them freedom or get from them irritability! This is the child who doesn’t need you, or the mother who is an independent force to be reckoned with. Granted, of course an Aries Moon needs mothering, especially when it comes to managing anger and supporting survivalism. Their emotions come on as quickly as they go and can be eased with physical activity.

Example: My daughter has an Aries Moon, which means she exemplifies these traits but also sees me as an Arian mother. What I can do for her is give her the space to be independent, while also encouraging physical activity as emotional therapy.

Taurus Moon

It’s as simple as providing and receiving shelter, food, sleep, and (if appropriate) sex. Taurean Moons want to feel secure from a tangible sense of things, and take great comfort in soft, weighted blankets; delicious food; and serenading lullabies. The children know what they need and the mothers set out to provide it.

Examples: My other daughter is a Taurus Moon. She likes to wear her Elmo robe and have her favorite food. For her, this brings emotional security. As her mom, I work to have her needs met. It’s no surprise my husband and I bought our first home while pregnant with her.

My dad is also a Taurus Moon. For him, he takes pleasure in collecting things. Sometimes these things may remind him of his past, of his family, or retain some other sentimental value. He would not dare get rid of his things, which hinges on hoarding (for him).

Gemini Moon

A good conversation heals the Gemini Moon soul. Yes, they can be fickle like that, but such desires for talking as well as variety is what gets them through. They don’t need constancy; they need the prospect of a changeable environment. Boredom hurts them emotionally.

Example: My Gemini Moon cousin’s mom was an inconstant feature in her life, but change isn’t just what she got accustomed to. It was ingrained as an emotional need. Her moods change quickly, rationalized through flights of the mind. Talking her through things get to the heart of the matter.

Cancer Moon

A natural born mama who needs their mama is a Cancer Moon. Family is of utmost importance; those close connections provide emotional security. Such strong connections can leave little room for independence, but the Cancer Moon person was surely born to serve and do the most important job of all. Often, such mothering ability is helped with great intuition as to what the child (or other person) needs. The Cancer Moon may feel so safe at home to not want to leave the nest; or at least desire to create their dream environment to honor their sensitivity elsewhere.

Example: A close family friend is really connected to their mom (or at least the memory of mom, as Luna rules memory too). Family is intertwined in her identity, with obligations so great that she hasn’t the ability to do things on her own (or, selfishly). Since mothering provides the Cancer Moon a sense of purpose and duty, the needs of children or others are not a burden — though it can be a heavy load to be responsible for the emotional wellbeing of everyone.

Leo Moon

Freedom to express oneself and be recognized for one’s individuality soothes the Leo Moon’s soul. Treat them like the King or Queen they are. Praise them; put them on a pedestal; honor their talents and abilities so that they may shine and be child-like well into their golden years.

Example: As a Leo Moon, I must not be forgotten, but remembered. Yes, I need attention (which could be viewed as selfishness); and my mom certainly needed attention, which I viewed as selfishness. But I think if we are seen — truly seen — then we are able to shine and radiate warmth onto others. Honoring the inner child is super important for a Leo Moon.

Virgo Moon

Everything in its right place. Give them a job and let their heart sing! Virgo Moon can be particular, but once perfection is found then there is peace in one’s soul. Such high standards can be hard to please — with the critical Mother being especially cumbersome. If nothing is good enough, then all is not well. But at least trying — showing some effort — goes a long way for the Virgo Moon who values doing your chores.

Example: My infant nephew has very specific comforts, which can be hard to navigate. It encourages the parents to step up to meet demands, which in turn shows the Virgo Moon child that such expectations can be met. The real world isn’t so accommodating, so finding areas in life where one can control the narrative is very comforting.

Libra Moon

While family is forever, that group dynamic that doesn’t appease the need for one-on-one partnership. A Libra Moon emotionally depends on that “other,” whether in friendship or marriage or business. Having someone there provides security like nothing else.

Example: Nick Cannon. Enough said.

Scorpio Moon

Feelings run deep beneath the surface, surfacing as intense bonds, trust, and secrets — should others appease their paranoid fears of neglect and abandonment to conjoin at the hip as one merged soul of twin flames and the like. The Scorpio Moon mother can be overbearing, but so can the child who wants to be one with you.

Example: I met and married my husband under a Scorpio moon . . . with our individual emotional needs very Scorpionic in nature within the relationship. Scorpio is about life and death, as are our vows.

Sagittarius Moon

Give the Sagittarius Moon room to roam . . . Don’t cling too tight — but hold on loosely (like the song!). This person has much ground to cover in order to affirm their truth and find meaning in their lives. Like the Aries Moon, freedom feels good.

Example: My mom and sister have Sag moons. Both are hard to pin down, with the latter often traveling versus spending too much time at home.

Capricorn Moon

This lunar position is why that Love Languages book was written. Some people show affection with tender-loving care, others through being a breadwinner and making sure practical needs are met. And, when they need some TLC, it needn’t be so tender but more so effortful. Hard work is their love language.

Example: My friend was her family’s breadwinner for many years. Now that she is out of work, she’s like a fish out of water, struggling with domesticity.

Aquarius Moon

The title “mother” feels weird to the Aquarius Moon. Providing and receiving nurturance either feels weird or is expressed non-traditionally, which can challenge the traditional traits of motherhood. Aquarian Moons may struggle to connect, instead detaching themselves from their human existence or finding better connection with friends rather than relatives.

Example: My stepmom was more a friend to me than a mother figure, and I’m sure at least one of her biological kids feel the same. She’s a really cool grandma, though! And she’s quite close with her friends.

Pisces Moon

Ever the optimist, putting faith in something greater can have a dissassociating effect on their sense of responsiblity (maternal or otherwise). Signs of affirmation from the Gods appease their sensitive soul, which can be lost at sea sometimes and needing a strong metaphysical anchor.

Example: My grandma has a very strong faith and belief that God will work things out, perhaps because her own mother (as represented by the Pisces moon) was an unavailable alcoholic.

Our identification with the moon is improving, with Luna being one of the top ten girls’ names this past year.

The moon’s place at our time of birth colors our needs, our memories, our subconscious, our connection to Mother, our habits, and more. Finding its meaning to us personally extends beyond the Zodiac signs to include lunar phase, house placement, and aspects to other planets in your natal birth chart.

This Mother’s Day, let’s honor the women who try to be the entire village a child needs and give them what their soul calls for by asking them, gently, about that which moves them. For me, it’s you reading this article.

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IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Astrology is both an art and an inexact science and should always be subject to interpretation due to its human influence. In this way, astrology is best utilized for entertainment purposes only. Take what you want and leave the rest, but never replace sound advice from a variety of skilled professionals — including and especially of the medical and financial trades — with astrology and its astrologers. In case of a medical or psychiatric emergency, please contact your local authorities.



Lost Soul Astrology

Mundane Horoscopes for All Zodiac Signs. Editor of the Planetary Arts Journal: Accepting new writers. Connect at