Curing Your Genital Warts Naturally

Annette Lode
15 min readMay 18, 2019


It’s not everyday that I sit around thinking about genital warts, but I can assure you that on this particular day I was.

And it was while I was pondering about just what it was that someone would want to know about genital warts,when it came to me that it might be a good idea if you, the reader, were to have a background picture of why I came to write about this topic in particular.

Like I said, it’s not something that is readily spoken about, and it’s
definitely not something that you would even think about writing in
the normal course of events.

Could it have been because I, myself, suffered from this potentially
embarrassing and particularly bothersome problem? Or maybe I
knew someone who suffered from these unpleasant warts.

Then again there’s always the possibility that I’m an experienced, or
even budding, member of the medical profession and just couldn’t
keep all this information to myself! However, since I disclaimed
anything of the sort in the Forward, that can’t be it.

So without further ado, here it is in all its glory: I used to suffer from
genital warts. In fact I was a recurrent sufferer up until very recently. I
didn’t find any miracle cure to stop my genital warts, and it wasn’t, at
least for me, one particular remedy that worked.

It was instead a combination of a number of methods which I had
tried over the years. Obviously not everything worked, but when
something did, I made a note of it and used that in conjunction with
other treatments.

Finally I was able to get rid of my genital warts, and to this day it’s
been two years since I had a recurrence.

So I thought I’d share my knowledge and experience with fellow
sufferers. As I know in the battle of genital warts, every little helps.
That’s why I’ve included most of the remedies which I’ve tried and a
few which I’ve been told work like a charm.

You might be wondering why I would bother to mention any of the
remedies which didn’t work for me, after all if they didn’t work for
me, why should they work for you?

A funny thing happens though when people try out any type of
remedy. Some people find the remedies work for them, others find
that it does nothing whatsoever for them, and still others find
themselves reacting adversely to them.

So before we go any further I would like to caution you to first do
one of two things before you try these remedies. Either,

1.Consult with you doctor beforehand to find out if these remedies
are safe for you to try, or if they will in anyway react with any other
medication that you might be taking.

2.Read any labeling and information carefully, follow directions
exactly, and first do a small test to see if you’re allergic to whatever
remedy you’re trying out.

After that’s taken care of you should then be able to proceed with
whatever cure or remedy you had in mind.

Just remember that it’s also a good idea to keep a small log of the
remedies that you’ve tried so that you don’t go through the same
ones all over again, and so that just in case you do suffer from an
adverse reaction then all of the information needed is at hand.

Doing this will also help you to make sure that you don’t mix ’n’
match any remedies! In fact it was because I kept a log that I was
able to get the remedies down into this book at all.

So, who is most likely get genital warts?

To begin with it should be noted that the incidence of developing genital warts for either sex is about the same.

People who have immune suppression medical conditions

People who have contracted other sexually transmitted
diseases, like herpes for instance

Cigarette smokers, and people who consume alcohol (about
2–5 glasses per week)

If you’ve been using steroids

If you’ve been using immune suppressant drugs for any reason

If you’re stressed and your immune system is weakened People in their 20’s

People who have multiple sexual partners

If you begin sexual intercourse at a very young age

Pregnant women

It’s not written down in stone that if you fall into one of these categories that you will get HPV, but there is a strong likelihood of it.
Being aware of this can help you to protect yourself and to take the right steps in prevention if at all possible.

Signs and symptoms

The symptoms of genital warts may sometimes appear without the warts themselves manifesting themselves.

On the other hand the converse is also true. The warts can sometimes show themselves without your having any of the symptoms associated with it.
That’s why even if you can’t see the warts but you have the
symptoms, you should still go see a physician.

Guesswork is no substitution for a proper medical exam and by
ruling out the fact that you might have genital warts, you can then
move on to finding out what is causing such symptoms within you.

Indications for genital warts can sometimes take up to a few months
to manifest itself. In these cases, you can unknowingly pass it on to
your sexual partner.

And if you were recently in another relationship and your former
partner has developed genital warts within the last few months, you
might want to think about getting a check up for yourself.

This is a good idea even if you don’t have any visible symptoms or
indications of genital warts as, like I mentioned, it can take a few
months from the time of infection for the HPV to manifest itself.

Below is a list of the more common indications for genital warts.

Pink, or flesh colored lesions — these can be raised or flat

Moisture or dampness around the infected area

Single or multiple instances of warts, which can be large or

The warts might sometimes have a cauliflower like

Vaginal discharge

Vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse

Vaginal bleeding not associated with menstrual bleeding

Papules on the penile shaft

Itching of the affected areas

A burning sensation

Warts can also be painless in nature although you might still have an
itching sensation.

There can in some cases be a high level of irritation involved with the
warts, or there can be no sensation at all. Raised cauliflower-like
warts are not an uncommon sight, just as warts that are small and
flat are also seen quite often.

Natural Genital Warts Treatment

When you’re looking at the various treatments and treatment methods that are available there are a few things that you should ask about before committing to any of them.

What are the benefits of the treatment

How long, on average, will the treatment take

What’s the cost of the treatment

Will a different treatment be better for you

Do you need immediate treatment or can you wait

You also have the option of postponing treatment for your genital warts. This is not the same as leaving it completely untreated, as with this option both you and your attending physician decide to wait and monitor the progress, or the lack thereof, of the warts.

Natural Remedies

Natural remedies lie thick on the ground but not everyone will use these or even know of these to use them. And just as with all other illnesses and medical conditions natural remedies can be used to remove genital warts.

The remedies that I have included in this section all use ingredients that can be found easily in your home or in a pharmacy or health food store.

And although I haven’t personally tried out every single one of these
remedies (although I’ve gone through my fair share of them), they
have been tried and tested out by different people at different times.
Whether or not they will work for you is largely dependant on a
number of factors, key amongst is your underlying health, the
particular strain of genital HPV you have, and whether you respond
favorably to the ingredients used in the remedies.

It should also be noted that since different people respond in
different ways to medications, your experience with a particular
remedy might not be the same as someone else’s response.
Personally speaking there were a few remedies which didn’t work for
me but they did work for partner.

So first you need to make sure that you’re not allergic to any of the
ingredients, and then you need to go through the whole trial and
error process of finding the remedy that’s right for you.
Again, let me just state that I am not a qualified medical practitioner,
nor am I a naturopath, a herbalist or a licensed healer or medical
practitioner of any sort.

If you have any doubt as to whether these remedies will work for
you, or whether you might be allergic to any of these ingredients,
consult your physician immediately.

I personally wouldn’t recommend the use of more than one remedy
at a time, or that you use certain remedies alongside prescription
medication. Some of the herbs might react badly with the
prescription drugs.

However, if you do utilize multiple remedies or you mix and match
natural and prescription remedies, I would suggest that you keep a
detailed journal of exactly what you’re using and in what dosages,
along with the duration of treatment for each separate treatment.
This can help you to keep a track of everything that you’ve tried so
far and to find out which ones work for you. And it also serves the
purpose of being able to help in the event that you react in an
adverse way to your treatments.

Vitamin E Oil & Garlic

Apply some Vitamin E oil to the effected areas. Place some chopped
raw garlic over it and cover with band aids or adhesive tape.
This remedy is best used on any warts on the outer genital areas.

Garlic suppository

This is alright to be used incase you have genital warts on the walls
of your vagina.

Peel a garlic clove and wrap in gauze. Tie it closed with a piece of
unwaxed dental floss, leaving a piece of the dental floss dangling.
Insert into the vagina like you would a tampon leaving the dental
floss dangling out so that you can pull the garlic out.

You can continue this until your warts have disappeared, just
remember to change the garlic suppository every few hours.

Vitamin E Oil

Applying vitamin E oil to your warts is one of the best ways to get
rid of them.

Using a cotton bud (Q tip), dip in the vitamin E oil and apply onto
the affected areas. You then need to cover the wart with a band aid.
Apply as needed about three to four times daily until the warts have
cleared up.

Castor Oil

This treatment is only for use on external genital warts and not for
those that might be in your body.

Rub some castor oil on your warts until it has been absorbed fully.
Take little more castor oil and apply onto the wart again. Next you
need to cover the wart with a band-aid.

Keep doing this until the wart is removed. This can take up to a few
weeks to happen, but patience will pay well in this case. You can apply
the oil about 3–4 times a day for best benefits.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Put a few drops onto a cotton ball and apply on the effected areas. If
your skin is unusually sensitive dilute the cider vinegar in water.

Fig Juice

Try applying the fresh juice of figs on to the affected areas. Do this
for about 2–3 times a day until the infection has cleared up.

Sour Apple Juice

Apply the juice of sour apples onto the warts. It has been said that
the magnesium in the apples helps to remove the warts.
Continue until the warts have disappeared.


Pineapple in and of itself is good, and the enzymes which are to be
found within it are the agents which work against the wart by
dissolving it.

To treat the wart if you can get some good fresh
pineapple juice instead of the mixed varieties or
concentrates which are so readily found in the
stores these days, you will have better luck with
wart removal.

Of course if these types of pineapple juice are the
only ones available to you, then you should use them.
What you need to do, is to soak a piece of cotton wool, or a cotton
ear bud in some of the pineapple juice and gently rub it over your

You can also apply freshly cut pineapple pieces over the warts. Tape in
place with medical tape or band-aids.

Banana Peel

This has been said to work for quite a lot of people, and despite the
fact that it might sound weird it can be beneficial to you.
For some people though this remedy works best on other types of
warts like common warts and plantar warts.

What you need to do is to take the peel of banana and tape it into
place over the wart. Change the banana peel “dressing” every few
hours, and continue until the warts have disappeared.


Onions, like garlic, are known to be good for your body and including
them in your foods whenever you can is one surefire way to get
them into your body.

But if you need a quick pick-me-up for your genital warts, you can
always try to include them raw, into your diet.

Although I have to confess that I have as yet to bring myself to try
this remedy out, I have it on good authority (from an old college
buddy who’s game to try anything!), that eating a fresh raw onion
once in the morning, afternoon and evening, can do wonders for you.
Like I said, I have yet to try out this particular treatment as I truly
can’t stand the taste of raw onions, but if you feel brave enough there
can’t be any harm in trying it — unless of course you start throwing
up because of the taste!

And, here’s the bad news if you’re not too fond of onions: you should
ideally do this for about at least one month for it to start working.
And the preventative method with this (because there is one)?
You need to eat a quarter of a raw onion every day, presumably for
the rest of your life, or until your partner throws you out for
harboring bad breath.

Salt and Onions

Extract juice from a fairly large onion and add salt to it. Apply this
juice to the infected area about 1–2 times a day until cleared up.
Alternatively you could slice the onions and cover with salt. Let it sit
a while and the juice that forms from this is what you need to use.

Shitake Mushrooms

Although many mushrooms have medicinal properties it was not until
very recently that this was found out and accepted by the West. In
Asian countries like China and Japan mushrooms are used on a daily
basis as medicinal herbs.

For the case of genital warts though, the Shitake mushroom is then
one you want to look at. Including this mushroom in your diet has
shown to significantly reduce the recurrence of genital warts in may

Since it is the mushroom body that is used for medicinal purposes,
the mushroom can be used in a soup or as a decoction. Both
methods will get the mushroom into your system.

You also have the option of getting the medicinal qualities of the
mushroom into your system through the use of a commercially
prepared extract of the mushroom.

It is called LEM, and is not a pure extract of the shitake mushroom.
The pure extract is available in Japan where it is considered to be a

The extract you buy will only be a fraction of the pure form. You
should only use about 1–3 grams of it about 2–3 times daily.
The usage of high amounts of LEM has been known to induce
adverse reactions in people along the lines of diarrhea, so you should
only take the recommend amount.

You should also be aware that there can be reactions with certain
drugs, so it’s best to consult with a physician or an herbalist to find
out what these are.

Shitake mushroom decoction

Use: 1 large/ 2 medium Shitake Mushrooms
2–3 cups of water
Wash the mushroom and place in a pan filled with the water. You can
slice the mushroom if you want. Place it on the heat and bring to a
boil, then lower the heat and let it simmer for about 15–20 minutes.
After it is done, strain the water and drink.

Herbal oil mixture 1
Use: 2 oz of vegetable or castor oil
1/4 tsp of Lavender oil
1/4 tsp Tea Tree Oil

Place the essential oils into the vegetable or castor oil and mix until
well combined. You can apply this mixture to the infected area 2–3
times a day.

If you shower after putting this oil on, then apply it to the infected
areas again.

If there is too much of the mixture to be used in one day, it can be
stored in an airtight glass bottle, preferably a brown glass bottle to
keep out the sunlight. Otherwise a normal glass bottle will work as
well, just keep it out of direct sunlight.

If you want you also have the option of mixing more oil together at
one time. As long as you keep it away from direct sunlight and in an
airtight glass bottle you should be able to keep the mixture for about
1–2 weeks.

Herbal oil mixture 2
Use: ½ oz Castor Oil
¼ tsp or 20 drops Tea Tree Oil
¼ tsp or 20 drops Thuja Oil
2 capsules Vitamin E

Mix the Tea Tree and the Thuja oils with the castor oil. Open the two
capsules Vitamin E and pour in the powder or oil contained within
them. Mix well until all the ingredients have been combined well.
Using a cotton ear bud (Q tip) apply the oil mixture onto the warts,
making sure not to go onto the surrounding skin as the Thuja oil can
be very string and can give a burning sensation.

Herbal oil mixture 3

If you have nice sunny weather where you live, then this particular
treatment is something that you can try out if you want.
Use: 100ml of Castor Oil
A handful of fresh Violets

Place the castor oil in a reasonably large-medium sized clear glass jar.
Make sure that it has a sealable lid first.
Wash the violets lightly to get out any dust and pat dry with a clean
tea cloth or kitchen towels, taking care not to crush the flowers.
Leave it till the water dries off sufficiently and then add to the jar
filled with the castor oil, making sure to get the violets fully into the

This is where the weather comes into play as you need to leave the
jar in direct sunlight. You should place it in a place that gets optimum
sunlight so a windowsill is alright as long as you don’t know it down!
Leave the jar in direct sunlight for about 1–2 weeks. After you feel
that a sufficient time has passed you can take some of the castor oil
and rub onto your warts. Do this about once a day everyday for best

Leaving It Untreated

Obviously if there are no signs or symptoms alerting you to the fact that you might have genital warts, there’s not much you can do in the way of treatment.

In these cases the HPV infection will either
disappear of its own accord, or it will lie dormant.

If however, you have been diagnosed with genital warts, and have the
accompanying signs and symptoms of genital warts, you have a couple
of choices open to you.

It should also be noted that the longer the human papilloma virus
stays in the body the greater the chances are that you can get cancer.

When this happens, when the virus stays in your body for a long
period, it won’t matter whether you have a high risk strain of HPV, or
whether you have a low risk strain.

Because the virus has stayed in your body for such a length of time, there can be abnormal cell changes occurring which can be precancerous.
You can use one of the methods that your physician will tell you
about or you can utilize this home remedy or natural cure.

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