The Great People Behind the Success of Curioinvest

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4 min readAug 31, 2019

The success of a platform certainly depends very much on the founder and the number of expert teams involved. Speaking of platforms, our minds will be focused on a series of systems and technology components. Therefore we can automatically ensure that the people working behind the success of a platform are people who only specialize in technology development. In fact, the fact is in the field, a platform development project is also carried out by people who have no background in technology.

Curioinvest is an example of a platform whose development involves a team of experts from various fields of science. The founder Vernando Veerbonen is not someone who has an educational background in the field of technology. However, it has high hours on equity funding projects and other types of investments. Equity is one of the very familiar accounting terms, which can be interpreted as capital. At present there are a number of entrepreneurs who are competing to get equity, either in part or in whole. It is not an easy thing for an entrepreneur to get capital from an investor. Surely entrepreneurs or business people are required to present project proposals that can attract the attention of investors. However, this can be used as experience and learning for entrepreneurs to understand market criteria such as what investors are interested in. Seeing this, of course it is not wrong if … … choose to be involved in the world of investment, such as CurioInvest.

Until now, many people still have a sense of curiosity and curiosity about the sales techniques used by Curioinvest. How not if usually an agent is only an intermediary for the sale of goods, but the business concept he has can involve a number of people who have absolutely no relationship with the ownership rights of these assets. Not to mention the selection of automotive items that are very suitable to be used as an investment container, which so far has only been controlled by assets of money, gold and diamonds. Although the sale value of automotive goods may experience depreciation each year. But this does not dampen Curioinvest’s enthusiasm for not competing in the world of automotive investment. In fact, the founder and the experts are increasingly synergizing to develop further investment plans.

Currently it is not surprising, if there are people who buy gold in quantities and prices that are very expensive. Akam but this valuable asset is not at all imposed by the owner. But only stored in a safe that has a special security code. Seeing this, some ordinary people will think that it’s useless to buy jewelry if it’s the same or rarely used. This makes perfect sense when we digest in terms of the need to meet lifestyle demands. But in the eyes of a businessman this is not wrong, Gold is indeed a valuable asset whose sale value does not easily shrink. However, if gold is used every day and exposed to water, then automatically the selling value he has will decrease. Therefore as a gold collector we are also required to think smart and wise. One of them by determining the attitude, do you want to be a gold collector to invest or just simply fulfill the desire for lifestyle ?. As intelligent economic beings, we have the right to choose between the two choices. The same thing happened with a number of collectors of automotive assets such as cars and motorcycles.

Currently Curioinvest is still developing a business wing on a number of automotive assets, but it is possible if it also opens up opportunities for other valuable assets. Both gold and cars are valuable items that are obtained from the work of hard work. Therefore of course the owners must be careful in choosing an investment platform. To follow up on this, Fernando Verboonen also involved Jan Van Den Broeck who handled all policies and issues relating to law.

A legal practitioner is certainly very much needed by Curioinvest, because he must detect the authenticity of documents that show ownership rights to these valuable assets. In addition, CurioInvest will always be in contact with those who work at the auction market. From all the above comments we can conclude that the success of a platform is also supported by the large role of the team of experts consisting of various types of fields of science.

More detailed about Curioinvest





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