Setting up a Successful Mobile Mini Office | LOTUS Containers

LOTUS Containers Group
2 min readSep 4, 2019

Have you ever dreaded to go to the office? If you are like me, you sure wanted to work on-the-go, rather than going to the same old office every single day.

Setting up a mobile mini office trailer makes this easy. Obviously, your work should be suitable for working mobile. For example, if you are a banker or in a business that needs constant face-to-face interaction, then the mobile office may not be suitable. However, if you are a freelancer or a creative artist, then chances are high.

In countries like America, Japan, Australia, and France, mobile mini storage container-built offices like mobile mini 20 open bay office are in great demand. It has a several advantages over traditional buildings. In comparison to bricks and mortar buildings, these are highly competitive in terms of cost, construction period and portability.

A mobile office means setting up your physical office space in your car or being able to work outside — perhaps in a park or while on the go — with all the advantages of working in an office, with as little trade-offs as possible.

So, what are the important components that will make a successful mobile office?

First and foremost is to have a laptop, as obvious as it may sound. Nowadays, it is easy to replicate almost all the features of a desktop PC in a laptop. The same way you pick and choose the right components for your PC — be it graphic card or music software or processer speed. A wireless keyboard and a mouse are great additions, if you tend to write more.

Connectivity is the second key component of setting up a successful mobile office. With wired local area network set up in office and with dedicated servers and internet service providers, your office was able to provide you seamless connectivity. Can you depend on your mobile office the same way as you did your physical office? You can if you have a dependable server connectivity and Wi-Fi hotspots.

One of the biggest disadvantages of using a laptop computer is a loss of data. Hence it is essential that you own additional portable hard drives so you can transfer periodically. If you can shell out some money, you can secure subscription for cloud-based storage spaces. They have been becoming less expensive nowadays. A further advantage would be to use cloud-based servers so you never have to bother about backups or loss of data. For a more sophisticated mode of accessing data, better connectivity is key.

Accessories form the next components to consider. Your physical office might have offered you an all-in-one printer, copier and scanner. It might be difficult — if not impossible — to carry it in your mobile office. The key to setting up a successful mobile modular office trailer is to keep clutter to a minimum. The more accessories, the less comfortable it will be. When possible consider transforming into a paperless office. You might want to scan your work quick and easily.



LOTUS Containers Group

LOTUS Containers, one of the world’s top Container Suppliers Companies has been providing shipping and storage containers with utmost flexibility and ease.