Loud Minds
4 min readApr 5, 2018


A workshop full of brainstorms, laughter, inspiration and crazy stories of screwed up adventures.

The Craft Your Career was an experimental workshop based on Design Thinking which provided the participants with the tools to find answers to their questions and take action.

Questions Quest

No matter who we are and what path we have chosen, through our 20s we are constantly asking ourselves “What should I do next?” “Where am I headed?” “How do I begin?” “Is this what I wanted?”

It’s quite overburdening to find answers to these big questions.There are no guides, no rights or wrongs and only series of overwhelming choices to be made.

The feeling of being “stuck” is a little too familiar for all of us, but sometimes all it takes is a conversation and right kind of tools to help you find answers to the questions that keep you up at night.

Craft Your Career was an intensive workshop on designing your career and finding your calling. Here is a recap of the saturday workshop!

Check In

The workshop started off with funny iterative introductions that were focused towards understanding how each one of us define success. We had participants coming from different walks of life, Aishwarya, a fresh graduate wanting to figure out her next steps were after completing Chemical Engineering. Dhruv, a techie and an author who was ready to move to New York University to pursue his Master. Saumya, a designer who quit her job to breathe life into her purpose project of creative collaborations.

When asked about their expectation from the workshop, everyone was there to learn and grow : new graduates exploring their next steps, aspiring professionals finding their purpose, eager learners and future entrepreneurs ready to lift off. A lot of ultimate life goals, big, burning, world-changing passion were discussed that set the floor for workshop to begin.

Let’s Get To Designing

Our facilitators, Tanya and Jaytirth began with sharing their own crazy journey of being lost, stumbling into entrepreneurship and finally arriving on their own epiphanies for bridging the gap by creating experiences and bring people together to create magic.

The 3 part workshop journal which was inspired from Stanford & IDEO design thinking methodology, was then introduced to everyone. Unlike all the other workshops that involve 2 people talking and 10 people listening — we reserved the flow! CYC was an intensive and highly participatory discussion that was designed to push each person to think and connect.

The journal had 12 stages which directed participants towards digging deeper by questioning and exploring their inner voices — starting with themselves, the world and the way forward. The energy ran high with sharing circles, personal reflection and creative color battles. The participants brainstormed on filling gaps, finding skills, asking why and doing the process again and again.

By the conclusion of the workshop, questions were reframed, steps that needed to be taken were identified and tools to create a solid plan to start implementing ideas were taken back.

Love From the Participants!

“I was looking towards being more definite about my career path, this workshop helped with streamlining my options and understanding the core behind my choices.”

Gaurav, 23, marketing enthusiast turned entrepreneur

“It was lovely, I did not expect the workshop to be so hands on. Loved the conversation and activities, realized so many things about myself. My only feedback is that it should have lasted longer! :D

Aishwarya, 21, chemical engineer

“We rarely take time to reflect and discuss our progress. This workshop helped me realign and redefine my journey forward. The energy-engagement graph and dashboard were pretty insightful. It was awesome to meet and talk about real things. Loved it!”

Divyankan, 22, entrepreneur

The feedback received by the participants was like a energy packed high-five that will help us design more awesomer workshops to bridge the gap for young people to finding/design their way.

We are super excited for the future!!




Loud Minds

Loud Minds is an experiential community of young creators, entrepreneurs, inventors, artists, activists, & other millennial misfits.