Loop and LoopKit: Version 1.0

Nate Racklyeft
1 min readOct 3, 2016


Loop and LoopKit have reached 1.0 after just over a year in development. Loop uses RileyLink, a CGM, and an insulin pump to automate insulin delivery changes.

The promise of an automated insulin delivery system is to reduce the time and cognitive load spent on diabetes, and Loop seeks to deliver it with its glanceable interface, seamless connectivity, and the compact package of the RileyLink.

It’s time for me to finally realize that promise personally: I’ll be stepping down from development after the release. My passion for health and wellness projects will continue, professionally, as I join the team at Apple.

The project now belongs to the community of users. Pete Schwamb and Mark Wilson have graciously agreed to coordinate pull requests and code reviews. Chris Hannemann will lend a hand to coordinate features and issues. They are ready and eager to nominate additional collaborators.

Read more about the history of the Loop, and my many thanks to its community here:

