Why Can’t I Open My React App By Clicking Index.html?

A Mystery Resolved

Louis Raymond
3 min readFeb 3, 2019

Recently, a company I’ve been interviewing with asked me to create an app for them which would satisfy the following criteria.

Use the New York Times API

Present the latest 10 news stories about a topic.

When a story is clicked, produce a small summary and a link to the article.


Make the application adaptive, so that it can be both mobile and desktop friendly.

The app should Run when you open up your index.html file

Naturally, React seemed like the tool for the job, and I completed the task set with relatively few bumps along the way.

The Finished SPA

(Note: If you’re curious to check my app out- it’s available here https://infallible-tesla-146517.netlify.com/)

However, there was one problem- when I clicked on my index.html file, all I saw in the browser was a blank screen! In the past, I had always assumed that when you npm run build Webpack pulled everything into the resultant index.html file. Clearly, I had something to learn here.


So I started speaking to other developers to try and get some advice. And, the feedback I…

