What is Jeep Wave?

Louis Wein
5 min readFeb 7, 2024


Do you know what is jeep wave? It’s a unique and special way of greeting fellow Jeepers on the road. But it’s more than just a simple wave — it’s a symbol of camaraderie, community, and connection among Jeep enthusiasts.

The Jeep Wave is said to have originated during World War II when soldiers driving Jeeps would acknowledge each other with a subtle hand gesture as they passed by. This gesture was a way of showing solidarity and appreciation for their shared love of the iconic vehicle.

What is Jeep Wave?

The Jeep Wave is a widely recognized greeting among Jeep owners. It is a way for Jeep enthusiasts to acknowledge and show camaraderie towards other Jeep drivers on the road. This gesture has been known to create a sense of community and unity among all those who share a love for Jeeps.

Origins of the Jeep Wave

It is believed that the tradition of the Jeep Wave dates back to World War II when soldiers would acknowledge each other on the battlefield with a simple hand gesture. It was later adopted by civilian Jeep drivers as a way to recognize fellow Jeep owners and share their passion for the iconic vehicle.

Why is It Important to Know Jeep Wave? 7 Reasons

1 . The Bond Between Jeep Owners

For most jeepers, owning a Jeep is more than just owning a vehicle. It’s about being part of a community and sharing a passion for adventure and off-roading. Knowing the Jeep Wave is an important aspect of this bond between fellow Jeep owners.

2 . To Show Respect and Appreciation

The Jeep Wave is a way to show respect and appreciation for other Jeep owners. It’s a small gesture that can go a long way in creating a sense of camaraderie among owners.

3 . To Make New Friends

The Jeep Wave is not just limited to the country or region you live in, it’s a universal language among Jeepers around the world. Knowing the wave can open up opportunities to make new friends and connections within the Jeep community.

4 . It’s a Tradition

The Jeep Wave has been around since the early days of Jeep ownership. It’s a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation, making it an important part of Jeep culture.

5 . To Promote Goodwill

The Jeep Wave is not just about acknowledging other Jeep owners on the road, it’s also about promoting goodwill and a positive image of the Jeep community. By showing respect and courtesy on the road, we can help create a better reputation for Jeepers everywhere.

6 . To Keep the Culture Alive

As Jeep ownership continues to grow in popularity, it’s important to keep the culture and traditions alive. The Jeep Wave is one small way to maintain the unique and close-knit community that Jeepers have built over the years.

How to Do the Jeep Wave in 6 Easy Steps

The Jeep Wave is a simple yet meaningful gesture that can be done while driving or even just passing another Jeep on the road. It’s a way for Jeep owners to acknowledge and show camaraderie with fellow Jeep enthusiasts. If you’re new to the world of Jeeps, here’s how you can do the iconic wave in just 6 easy steps:

Step 1: Get behind the wheel of a Jeep

The first step is pretty self-explanatory — you need to be driving a Jeep to do the Jeep Wave. It doesn’t matter if it’s an old classic or a brand new model, as long as it has the iconic seven-slot grille, you’re good to go!

Step 2: Spot another Jeep on the road

Keep your eyes peeled for other Jeeps while you’re out and about. You’ll likely come across plenty of them, as Jeeps are popular vehicles among off-roaders and adventure seekers. Once you spot another Jeep, get ready to do the wave!

Step 3: Make sure it’s a real Jeep

Before you initiate the wave, make sure that the other vehicle is indeed a Jeep. This may sound silly, but some people mistake other SUVs or similarly shaped vehicles for Jeeps. Don’t worry, you’ll quickly learn to spot the distinct features of a Jeep.

Step 4: Raise your hand

As you approach the other Jeep, take your right hand off the wheel and raise it slightly above the door frame. You can also opt to use two fingers instead of a full hand wave — this is often seen as a more authentic and enthusiastic Jeep Wave.

Step 5: Make eye contact and smile

As you do the wave, make sure to make eye contact with the other driver and give them a friendly smile. This is an important part of the Jeep Wave, as it shows that you’re acknowledging another member of the Jeep community.

Step 6: Continue driving

After you’ve completed the wave, continue driving as normal. If the other driver reciprocates the wave, you can smile to yourself knowing that you’ve successfully made a connection with another Jeep owner on the road.

Why is the Jeep Wave important? 5 reasons

The Jeep Wave may seem like a simple gesture, but it holds a lot of significance in the world of Jeeps. Here are 5 reasons why the Jeep Wave is important:

1. Sense of community

The Jeep Wave is a way for Jeep owners to connect and acknowledge each other on the road. It creates a sense of community among fellow enthusiasts, no matter what model or year their Jeep may be.

2. Mutual respect

By doing the Jeep Wave, you’re showing respect for other Jeep owners and their vehicles. It’s a way to acknowledge that you both share a common love for the iconic brand.

3. Tradition and history

The Jeep Wave has been around since the early days of Jeep ownership, making it a tradition among its community. It’s a small but meaningful part of the brand’s rich history and heritage.Also, it has evolved over time to include different variations and styles.

4. Inclusivity

The Jeep Wave is not limited to a specific age group, gender, or background. It’s a gesture that anyone can do and receive, making it an inclusive way to connect with others on the road.

5. Spreading joy and positivity

In a world where road rage and impatience are common, the Jeep Wave is a refreshing change. It spreads joy and positivity among drivers, making the overall driving experience more enjoyable.


Now you know what is jeep wave? you know how to do it too. The jeep wave is a simple gesture that has been around for decades and is a way of saying hello to fellow Jeep owners on the road. It’s a common courtesy and an unspoken tradition in the Jeep community.

But the jeep wave is more than just a greeting, it’s also a symbol of unity and camaraderie among Jeep enthusiasts. It’s a way of showing respect for the unique and adventurous lifestyle that comes with owning a Jeep.



Louis Wein

Loves to work on cars and help people keep their vehicles running smoothly. As a senior editor, i enjoys contributing to Diy quickly.